If you would like to meet and hear more about the Brixton Green proposal, we will be holding open meetings 7pm on the first Thursday of every month at Unit 45, Brixton Village starting 5th May.
Our new website will be going up early next week. Please visit it next week to find out more about the proposal so far and have your say.
The more people who contribute their ideas, the stronger the proposal.
What is Brixton Green?
Brixton Green is a registered mutual set up so Brixton people can lead the development of the site along Somerleyton Road.
We're not for profit with an asset lock. This means all our assets have to be used for the benefit of the community.
Brixton Green is owned by local people. Anyone over 16 who lives or works in Brixton can become a shareholder:
• To become a shareholder you have to either live or work within the five wards of central Brixton(Coldharbour, Ferndale, Tulse Hill, Herne Hill, Brixton Hill).
• £1 per share. One share per person.
• Shareholders will not receive a financial return.
• Shareholders can stand for election to the board.
• Shareholder will have a vote at the AGM
Points raised
We really appreciate the press coverage we've received, however there are some inaccuracies:
• We have never claimed that Lambeth have transferred or sold the site to us.
• We have never described the site as vacant or derelict.
We have limited resources, but with our local champions we are trying to ensure that all parts of the community have the opportunity to become shareholders and have their say. Some of the local groups will be holding workshops around the proposal. These, along with our open events and improved website will hopefully help us to reach many of the communities within Brixton.
If you are part of a local group/business who would like a presentation or workshop, please get in touch via our website