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Tamsin bloody Omond

Unfortunately, the confidence and articulacy of middle-class activists often means that they end up taking over - and their hidden assumptions affect how the movement develops. Plane Stupid, for example - oh yes, let's have a go at people for taking cheap holidays, that's massively more important than any other target. Of all the things in this massively wasteful society of ours, lets pick something that is responsible for a tiny proportion of emissions and berate poor people for taking affordable holidays. That'll get people on our side! :facepalm:

Agree with this. Perhaps the most prime example of this type thing ever was Eton educated Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's campaign to get people earning £12,000 a year to buy organic free range chicken.
In the great scheme of things you saying this on every thread about people you don't give a shit about about doesn't either. So crack on.

Why? After all, I'm not one of those who keep starting threads obsessing about minor characters, which, absurdly, often become the longest threads on the boards. As usual, I'm just providing an alternative viewpoint; a refreshing voice of reason if you like.
Nope, you're the same as everyone else -the repetition of a few stock moves, the limited repertoire - you're the same as us. Or you wouldn't be saying this again, on this thread. Again. Would you?
Agree with this. Perhaps the most prime example of this type thing ever was Eton educated Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's campaign to get people earning £12,000 a year to buy organic free range chicken.

That people get themselves so wound up about the likes of Jasmin Omond, Huge Fearsomely Witless and Penny Laurie merely means that they are fulfilling their role.
Nope, you're the same as everyone else -the repetition of a few stock moves, the limited repertoire - you're the same as us. Or you wouldn't be saying this again, on this thread. Again. Would you?

Perhaps-but it doesn't really matter.
Look at this whopper! 66 posts!

Only so low because there's already been a 900 page thread about the subject-and another one about Laurie Penny in which everybody said more or less the same things. 'Grr, annoying posho gets involved with something leftish'-as if this is a new phenomenon.
You can see it really clearly in this article by Monbiot. He's a lefty because he is moral. It's self-sacrifice. Let's be worse off for the sake of being nice. It doesn't occur to him that the vast majority of people are better off in a left-wing society

Grrr. Monbiot. Grrrr.

Much of Monbiot's hair-shirt reminds me of some of the comments on the 'Burnt Out Lefty' thread.

I did email him suggesting that he ride a horse to and from his local station in Wales (yes, London meejah type buying a home in Wales) instead of his Peugeot 106 diesel which he crowed about owning as some kind of sacrifice.
Agree with this. Perhaps the most prime example of this type thing ever was Eton educated Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's campaign to get people earning £12,000 a year to buy organic free range chicken.

Fuck yes! Utterly fucking clueless. Look, you can make a chicken go much further than you think with all these ingenious recipes. It needn't cost more than it does now. Yeah, thanks Hugh - but how about we use those ideas with cheap chicken so we can have heating as well as food.

Grrr. Monbiot. Grrrr.

Much of Monbiot's hair-shirt reminds me of some of the comments on the 'Burnt Out Lefty' thread.

I did email him suggesting that he ride a horse to and from his local station in Wales (yes, London meejah type buying a home in Wales) instead of his Peugeot 106 diesel which he crowed about owning as some kind of sacrifice.

I think that was just one poster on the burnt out lefty thread. Extolling the spiritual benefits of being poor as a reason to be left wing. :facepalm::D
Fuck yes! Utterly fucking clueless. Look, you can make a chicken go much further than you think with all these ingenious recipes. It needn't cost more than it does now. Yeah, thanks Hugh - but how about we use those ideas with cheap chicken so we can have heating as well as food.


You do realise, though, don't you, that the worthless babble of such people is just part of the irritating background noise that makes up an inevitable and growing backdrop to a society like this one? And you are helping them.
Fuck yes! Utterly fucking clueless. Look, you can make a chicken go much further than you think with all these ingenious recipes. It needn't cost more than it does now. Yeah, thanks Hugh - but how about we use those ideas with cheap chicken so we can have heating as well as food.


Famous labour movement story about a Lady (i.e a titled) in the depression doing a talk on how to make chicken soup out of leftover bones to a group of unemployed people. Voice from the back - 'who ate the chicken?'
You do realise, though, don't you, that the worthless babble of such people is just part of the irritating background noise that makes up an inevitable and growing backdrop to a society like this one? And you are helping them.

I see no reason to silently acquiesce with their domination of the media.

And anyway, I'm a middle-class leftie. We need people to point these things out or we'll never fucking get it. :rolleyes:
I see no reason to silently acquiesce with their domination of the media.

And anyway, I'm a middle-class leftie. We need people to point these things out or we'll never fucking get it. :rolleyes:

Lots of people don't silently acquiesce-they grumble about being subjected to a constant barrage of crap just like we're doing. But it makes no difference, as everybody leaves the telly on while they're doing it. The media is more powerful than the grumblers and the grumbling actually reinforces its power and draws attention to the very people you claim not to approve of.
Lots of people don't silently acquiesce-they grumble about being subjected to a constant barrage of crap just like we're doing. But it makes no difference, as everybody leaves the telly on while they're doing it. The media is more powerful than the grumblers and the grumbling actually reinforces its power and draws attention to the very people you claim not to approve of.
You keep on saying things like this, LLETSA, but what is the actual political or material effect of 'the TV being left on'?
Gives you cancer man.

Keeps us all in line actually. Ensures that a genuine, effective critique of the society and spirit of the times we live in can never come about-or at least that if it does, not enough people will ever listen.
Uses up fossil fuels, pumps out CO2 and leads to armageddon? Edit: how does it keep us all in line?

Again, I can't believe you don't know the answer to that one.

And this on a thread where people are wringing their hands about Hugh Fucking Fearnley Whittingham.
So is it true, people with no TV are actually freer than the rest of us?

Edit: if it's so obvious than why can't you just say what it is? This is ridiculous.
So is it true, people with no TV are actually freer than the rest of us?

Edit: if it's so obvious than why can't you just say what it is? This is ridiculous.

Of course they're not freer. What does that even mean?
"Less kept in line".

Come on, if it's so obvious why are you finding it so hard to put it into words. People are going to start thinking you don't know what you've been talking about, or something.
I'm going offline for a while now, but I'll just add that it seems incredible that politicised people don't seem able to any longer grasp the effect of having the cultural values of the system their purport to oppose beamed directly into people's living rooms day and night.

Perhaps it's why most alternatives on offer don't seem to most people worth sacrificing anything for. In other words opposition to capitalism has become infested with those very same values
Personally I am a bit surprised by the class hatred which seems a major part of the "why I don't like Tamsin!"

Though I admit her writings seem a bit contradictory.

We can't chose the class of our birth.

What we do in our lives is more important than how we were born.
In other words opposition to capitalism has become infested with those very same values

It hasn't 'become' infested, it's inherent that some elements of the controlling ideology will also inhabit it's opposition. Down this road lies idealised ideological purity.
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