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Tamsin bloody Omond

While I guess its better than a male posh twat-gender equality and all that she is basically confirming peoples stereotypes of greens being very middle class. For me that is unforgivable as a green anarchist I think she is trying to sabotage the green movement as we have enough sellouts etc in our movement without any more coming along
Well, if most of the decent people in the movement reject notions of leadership the turds rise to the top.
Oh god. Please, everyone - do read this from the woman herself yesterday, moaning that she's not posh:

And there's the reason for my appearance on the posh list. I am indeed the granddaughter of Sir Thomas Lees, a baronet, albeit one with no land or property. His wife, also not posh, persuaded him to give it all away to set up Holton Lee, a Dorset charity for disabled people that promotes a holistic way of life.

What little cash he kept will, along with the title, eventually go the way of these things - down the male line to my Uncle Chris.

My mother Sarah grew up in the Dorset countryside but when she met and married my father, they lived in a terrace house close to where I live now.

We would go to the countryside every weekend, which was definitely a privilege for a city child. We would hang out on my uncle's farm with my cousins and leave our wet socks to dry by the Aga. These were the posh weekends with my extended family.

My brothers would be taken out shooting (the poor boys were useless - the eldest is a pacifist vegetarian) while I would sit in the kitchen and read Jane Austen.

When I walked to the village, swinging in between Gran and Grandad, the elderly people we passed would nod and say: 'Morning, milord, milady.' I remember feeling proud, not realising that there would come a time when I would bridle at being called posh.

My dad, post-university and with the least eastern European-accented English I've heard, got a job in the City and earned enough money to send me for a couple of years to Nick Clegg's old school, Westminster. After that it was Cambridge and the second poshest college: Trinity. (The poshest is St John's. Why? The posh just know these things.)

Spotted this in there as well - god work chegs :D:

I'm certainly too posh for some of my erstwhile colleagues in the green movement. I've been flamed on Twitter by a man who calls himself 'Che Grimandi' for being posh.

Then back onto the forests:

I'll give you an example: I wanted to launch a campaign to save England's forests - the ones that the Government is planning to sell to the highest bidder. Instead of knocking on the door of every NGO begging them to help me, I got myself invited to a swanky cocktail party - the posh can do that sort of thing.

Among the guests was the editor of The Lady, Rachel Johnson: petite, stylish and taking charge of the room. As I introduced myself, she looked me up and down and said with a smile: 'Oh, you're that girl.'

There was recognition, the promise to meet for tea, and now she is president of the Save England's Forests campaign. Would that have happened if I had just walked up to her in the street? I guess not.
So with one breath she's saying she's not posh, and with the next she's stating that as a posh person she can do things that we mere plebs can't.

Oy vey! :facepalm:.
The "terrace house" she talks about growing up in wasn't exactly a two-up-two-down back-to-back in Salford. It was in luvvyland West Hampstead.
Oh god. Please, everyone - do read this from the woman herself yesterday, moaning that she's not posh:

Spotted this in there as well - god work chegs :D:

Then back onto the forests:

it wasn't chegs! she has been having a ding dong with him on Twitter, but it was someone else who said that to her - chegs is taking the credit though:D
There was recognition, the promise to meet for tea, and now she is president of the Save England's Forests campaign. Would that have happened if I had just walked up to her in the street? I guess not.
Being posh gets posh people jobs, from posh people. Shocker.

The fact that she manages to present this as her acomplishing social change just shows what a deluded self-centred world she lives in.
So what if the girl is posh.. ?

I suspect people are more pissed that she seems to be doing quite a lot and she seems at least a little egotistical..
I have a long ladder, climbing harness, tools, nails and wood... If I build a treehouse in a forest I wonder if I could get her up into it on the pretence of saving the forest then remove the ladder, go to the pub and forget she ever existed.

I'd reckon I'd probably get away with it if it wasn't for this post.
Oh leave off, you lot are mad. Put her in the Rovers and she'd be the sassiest and sexiest since Bet Lynch.

Don't hate her just because of Eastenders. :mad:

So what if the girl is posh.. ?

I suspect people are more pissed that she seems to be doing quite a lot and she seems at least a little egotistical..

The problem is that politics is about more than what you think about the world - it's about your experience and interactions with the world. If you grew up in privilege, you cannot have the same perspective as someone (the vast majority) who did not. That doesn't mean posh people can't have sound politics - but it does mean that they have to work pretty bloody hard not to impose their own unthinking prejudices.

Unfortunately, the confidence and articulacy of middle-class activists often means that they end up taking over - and their hidden assumptions affect how the movement develops. Plane Stupid, for example - oh yes, let's have a go at people for taking cheap holidays, that's massively more important than any other target. Of all the things in this massively wasteful society of ours, lets pick something that is responsible for a tiny proportion of emissions and berate poor people for taking affordable holidays. That'll get people on our side! :facepalm:

You can see it really clearly in this article by Monbiot. He's a lefty because he is moral. It's self-sacrifice. Let's be worse off for the sake of being nice. It doesn't occur to him that the vast majority of people are better off in a left-wing society. :facepalm:

So we must lead this shift ourselves. People with strong intrinsic values must cease to be embarrassed by them. We should argue for the policies we want not on the grounds of expediency but on the grounds that they are empathetic and kind; and against others on the grounds that they are selfish and cruel. In asserting our values we become the change we want to see.


Middle-class lefties have to confront this issue - not dismiss it. Osmond is clueless - she can't even acknowledge that there is an issue to confront. I'm not really posh, and anyway it helps the cause that I'm posh, and I can't be held responsible for the circumstances of my birth. It all misses the point spectacularly.
OMG, she talks to the help!

At parties I spend a lot of time by the canapes tray, trying to engage in conversation the young man who keeps filling up my glass. I'm filled with social anxiety when I have to sashay among the posh.

Some of her best friends are working-class, doncha know. :D:facepalm:
She sums up Greens.

To some extent this is true. The environment is an issue that will inevitably attract people like this. Hopefully it will keep them away from class politics.

Environmental issues are real enough, but on the larger scale are unfortunately insoluble and will probably see us all off in the end. To assume or claim that with the right leadership or democratic control by working people, or some such, the issues can be solved, is simply mad delusion.
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