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Talk to me about Cambridge, what's it like to live there?

well, the job application is in - eeek! fingers crossed :)

I've been looking at houses and they certainly seem more reasonable than 1) London and 2) Oxford, which would be our other potential choices.

am trying not to get too excited but I'd really love to come back to the UK so wish us luck :)
Pm me if you want specific details. I was born and raised in cam and apart from 6 years in London have been here all my life. I now live in a village out to the north of cam :)

thanks foamy - will do! if we get any positive noises from the job application then I'll be definitely looking for somewhere new to live
Similarly I live in Ely and work in Cambridge (used to live in Cambridge before Ely) and have done so since 1994, so could probably help too.
I had to look twice when I saw Cambridge was classed as the Midlands, then I realised there is no dedicated East Anglia section.
We think anywhere south of Leicester is proper south.:)
going downhill fast.....super expensive, shit place for residents. Lots of Cambridge people are escaping to Norwich....which has exactly the same feel as Cambridge in the 70s/80s. I used to love it and thought I would be here forever, but I am hoping to swap my council place to Norwich too.
Any news on the job crustychick ? Kind of assuming not, I'm guessing, as this thread sank again after August .... :(

I think you'd like Strawberry Fair (first Sat in June), especially as a local resident, or even as an annual visitor like me, but I expect you've been there already anyway ;)
going downhill fast.....super expensive, shit place for residents. Lots of Cambridge people are escaping to Norwich....which has exactly the same feel as Cambridge in the 70s/80s. I used to love it and thought I would be here forever, but I am hoping to swap my council place to Norwich too.

Leaving Oldham was a mistake eh? ;)
Any news on the job crustychick ? Kind of assuming not, I'm guessing, as this thread sank again after August .... :(

I think you'd like Strawberry Fair (first Sat in June), especially as a local resident, or even as an annual visitor like me, but I expect you've been there already anyway ;)
definitely not going to cambridge :(

but, maybe Sheffield!
Huge (understandable) resentment between university and non-university people. A council that offered homeless people a free one-way train ticket - I'm not joking. An expensive city centre that's actually no better than any market town. An arts scene that's nowhere near as good as it thinks it is. Horrible architecture & town planning in the many spaces between the old stuff.
Huge (understandable) resentment between university and non-university people.

I don't know where you are getting this from. The uni employs large numbers of working class townspeople such that there isn't really a town/gown divide except in the minds of certain drunken teenage males of all backgrounds. Where are you seeing "huge resentment?"
I don't know where you are getting this from. The uni employs large numbers of working class townspeople such that there isn't really a town/gown divide except in the minds of certain drunken teenage males of all backgrounds. Where are you seeing "huge resentment?"

Yea, it's not like the old days of Town Vs Gown
I don't know where you are getting this from. The uni employs large numbers of working class townspeople such that there isn't really a town/gown divide except in the minds of certain drunken teenage males of all backgrounds. Where are you seeing "huge resentment?"
It was probably around 15 years ago I lived in the area, and I only socialised in Cambridge infrequently - but that's certainly what I picked up on those occasions.
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