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This week I find myself in Liverpool

Baltic Fleet pub
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One of the best in town for me and my after the game pub. They do a nice scran in there too. I was in there Sunday, would have bought you a pint IIOK. Only just seen the thread having been in town all last weekend myself.

Have one in the Dispensary on Renshaw Street, Dr Duncan's opposite St Georges Hall, Ma Edgertons just off Lime Street if old fashioned pubs are your thing. There's a nice little Speak-easy called Berry and Rye up near the Bombed Out Church if it's still going on the junction of Lease St and Renshaw Street.

Breakfast on the tables outside or in at Tabac (Bold Street) is worth it for the people watching and a proper sausage.

The Camp and Furnace is worth a visit at weekends, Depending what's on, as is the Love Lane Brewery which are both near where you're staying. The Baltic Market is worth a visit too before you go.

Shitloads of places to go but be sure to get down the dock for the museums if you haven't already

Drop me a PM next time you're up and I'll drag you out for a tour of the real dives. ;)
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Where I was there were boats with six foot trees growing out of them :D Pretty unloved bits of various dockyards
I find it really strange, there are parts of the city where fucktons of money has been spent often right next to others that have remained unchanged for decades, if not longer.
I find it really strange, there are parts of the city where fucktons of money has been spent often right next to others that have remained unchanged for decades, if not longer.
Literally side by side

I kind of like it

I stare at unkempt real estate and windowless buildings and see loads of potential, but there is so much of it around that it’s already been exploited to it’s probable peak financial gain and there is still shit loads spare IYSWIM
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Literally side by side

I kind of like it

I stare at unkempt real estate and windowless buildings and see loads of potential, but there is so much of it around that it’s already been exploited to it’s probable peak financial gain and there is still shit loads spare IYSWIM
I suspect at least some money-laundering :D
Literally side by side

I kind of like it

I stare at unkempt real estate and windowless buildings and see loads of potential, but there is so much of it around that it’s already been exploited to it’s probable peak financial gain and there is still shit loads spare IYSWIM
Aye purely by fluke I found myself in a presidential suite in the Titanic last weekend and I had a walk around the Stanley docks where they're building the new football ground for deluded folk. There's still shitloads of old buildings around that area of the dock road but I sense things are on the change around there especially now they're getting a new train station.

The Baltic triangle OTH has seen a great use of that sort of old dockland infrastructure from ordinary local start-up buisnesses. I think the thing with big old ports is there's enough of the stuff to go round.
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Literally side by side

I kind of like it

I stare at unkempt real estate and windowless buildings and see loads of potential, but there is so much of it around that it’s already been exploited to it’s probable peak financial gain and there is still shit loads spare IYSWIM
ETA if you get the chance take a trip down Lark Lane ;)
I suspect at least some money-laundering :D
The cocky watchman owned quite a lot of property in the area (and got one of my dad’s old drinking mates banged up on drug smuggling charges of which he was completely innocent).
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The cocky watchman owned quite a lot of property in the area (and got one of my dad’s old drinking mates banged up on drug smuggling charges of which he was completely innocent).
Curtis Warren.
Thank you kindly 😊
Try this interview with Zack De La Roche from RATM as an amuse bouche.

This one is about his corporate media analysis (and he manages to really piss off Andrew Marr…watch his face towards the end when he realizes he’s lost the argument).

There is a documentary (3hrs long) called Manufacturing Consent if you can find it. Very good watch.

Had the privilege of seeing speak twice (once at St Pauls on Kurdish human rights and once at Liverpool University in support of the dockers dispute).

He certainly had a huge influence on my politics.
Couldn't find a general Liverpool chat thread so I hope you don't mind me leaving this here.
Just found this great YouTube of the Liverpool RMT demo earlier this year. I really needed to hearthese speeches now - the sense of solidarity evident here cheered me up this morning.
First time here as a tourist and quite impressed so far.
Err, really like the pedestrianisation of the city centre. :facepalm::facepalm:

Wondering if folk who live here get sick of the Beatles stuff… or if it just blends into the background after awhile. Tour of their childhood homes booked for Sunday..btw. :thumbs:
I’m spending a few days there in January, won’t be doing any Beatles stuff though.

Keep us updated :)

"The Beatles Story" was pretty good.. fully recreated the interior of the Cavern Club inside including the coffee bar, also a good Mellotron on show. Though the post Beatles stuff gives a rather sanitised version of Lennon... No mention of the "Lost Weekend".

Morning was at The Western Approaches museum... Good for authenticity, but not much discussion of The Battle of the Atlantic.
I really liked the Everyman just along from the Philharmonic (finest toilets in the country sir), and assumed it had closed in the 80s but it still seems open. Lovely food as I recall (50 years ago at least). Also Ye Cracke which was a lovely pub if that's still open and doing music weekend afternoons.
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"The Beatles Story" was pretty good.. fully recreated the interior of the Cavern Club inside including the coffee bar, also a good Mellotron on show. Though the post Beatles stuff gives a rather sanitised version of Lennon... No mention of the "Lost Weekend".

Morning was at The Western Approaches museum... Good for authenticity, but not much discussion of The Battle of the Atlantic.
I am pretty sure I went to The Beatles Story in the mid 90s, it had Lennon’s white piano near the end IIRC?
Well.. the tour of McCartney and Lennon's childhood homes was kind of superb...spine-tingling. Lennon's house was pretty much in its original state while McCartney's has been faithfully refurbished.. So even if the Beatles don't do much for you the houses are still interesting in their own right.

Tour guides knew their stuff.. though Craig Brown's "One, Two, Three, Four" has an amusing chapter on the tour.
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