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Talk to me about Cambridge, what's it like to live there?

I considered a job in (and moving to) Cambridge about 12 years ago.

It struck me as the kind of place that's either faintly grotty and very expensive, or not so grotty and exorbitantly expensive as far as housing is concerned.
Its not in the midlands or the north..... :hmm:

It can be expensive (rental housing has shot up in the past year) and it is busy especially in the summer with lots of visiting language students (roughly a third of the population is "transient") but it is also lovely.
Its not in the midlands or the north..... :hmm:

It can be expensive (rental housing has shot up in the past year) and it is busy especially in the summer with lots of visiting language students (roughly a third of the population is "transient") but it is also lovely.

Yeah couldn't work out the best forum for it tbh...
Easy going people, nice pubs, good places to eat, cinema...art gallery or two...
People = its a mixed bag :D
Pubs - 365 of them, some real ale, lots of historical / character, city centre / village etc
eating: all the usual chains and lots of great food pubs and restaurants -The chop house / st johns chop house.
3 Cinemas: arts / vue / cineworld.
Art Galleries: Kettles Yard founded by Jim Ede who worked at the Tate, Fitzwilliam museum (although the jade collection is somewhat smaller now :D)
Lots of cool little museums too: Scot polar institute, archeology and anthropology, zoology, classical archaeology, whipple, folk museum, museum of technology and the botanical gardens.

Its only 50 mins from kings cross on the train - come and look around!
Oh yeah forgot to say museums. Heh that's one reason why I'm interested, I work in Kings Cross so the commute wouldn't be that bad...
The best place to live (Mill Road area) is also just a few minutes walk from the train station.
I lived there in the 80s. One of the nicest areas I've ever lived in.

I loved Cambridge. If I didn't have a Londoner for a partner and a job here, I would be happy to move back there if I had the chance.
I lived there in the 80s. One of the nicest areas I've ever lived in.

I loved Cambridge. If I didn't have a Londoner for a partner and a job here, I would be happy to move back there if I had the chance.

Cambridge in the summer is a joy. All the green space; the commons, parks and Grantchester meadows.
The commute to London doesn't sound that bad, 45 minutes, but I would think carefully about it. Station gets very busy at peak times, packed trains. An old housemate of mine used to commute to London and it really took it out of him (we lived near the station although he was working fairly long hours too). He ended up moving to London. People who commute long term tend (I think) to be people with kids who sacrifice for their kids to be happier. I wouldn't do it.

It's ok here, meh. At the end of the day, it's a smallish town. Catch me on a better day, I might be more positive.
Well in terms of commute I've done longer, and you stand up for about the same amount of time on the tube anyway these days...the move (if it did happen) would only be for three years too...

Thanks for all the insight peeps, much appreciated!:)
It starts to feel pretty small after a while, but three years wouldn't be so bad.

With the cost of commuting included, it'll be more expensive than London. There's not a whole lot of difference in rents and house prices - partly the commuter market, but also because so much local employment is relatively high paid tech stuff in the science parks. The council keeps building new towns rather than address affordable housing in the city. There are some magnificently cheap and shitty bedsits behind the police station just by Parker's Piece, but I'm guessing you'll not be in the shitty bedsit market.

It is pretty fantastic for cycling. Too many shitty shared pavement/cycle path arrangements on the actual roads, but lots of cycle-friendly shortcuts, and cars are a bit more cycle aware than most places.

me and the fella are considering a move to Cambridge. I'm encouraging it as I thought it was pretty much the same as Oxford (which I LOVE), but I hear it's smaller and less diverse, and now I'm a bit worried. What are the good things about living in Cambridge lovely urbs? apart from it being really close to London!
I'd like to live in Cambridge...some of my family live there and I've been going there since I was born. In fact if I moved back to the UK it's one of the places I'd consider. Small enough to walk around easily, nice and flat for cycling, nice parks/open green spaces. Easy to get to London and Stansted airport. Good shops. It's clean. Nice pubs. Near lovely countryside.
It's being rapidly suburbanised with lots of new flats and housing going up both in the centre by the station and around the outskirts. It's in the middle of a transition from a university town to a full on city. The centre, the open spaces and the roads and transport links will become increasingly more crowded than they already are.
what about the surrounding villages? any of them worth a punt*?

*pun intended :oops:
Yes, lots of really nice villages around Cambridge - Histon, Milton, Cottenham etc. but housing can be very expensive that close to the city. I used to live in Chatteris, about 30 mins by car from Cambridge (same to P'boro) but at the time it was a lot cheaper than anywhere nearer to Cambridge. Prices have gone up as it's become something of a dormitory for people working in Cambridge who can't afford to live nearer. Nice enough place though.
Pm me if you want specific details. I was born and raised in cam and apart from 6 years in London have been here all my life. I now live in a village out to the north of cam :)
Home counties house price madness ends north of Cambridge, around Chatteris, March, Wisbech, Littleport. I have family around Cambridge and lived there in the 80s and is more expensive and gentrified now but not really much of an improvement. Classic band pubs like the Boat Race have long gone and been replaced by poncey bars. I would say Cambridge is not easy to meet people if you don't know anyone. If I ever decided to downsize to East Anglia I would head for Norwich which has good cheap housing, great pubs and plenty of green space.
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