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Taliban attack army school in Pakistan

did you ever say 'not in my name' for the war in the six counties? have you ever stuck your head above the parapet and said 'i disassociate myself from this'? there are lots of people who have: are you one of them? i doubt it.

And your assumptions and doubts would be wrong.
I 'rely on' it or I have it foisted on me whether I want it or not? The UK happens to have a standing army. It did before I was born and will no doubt continue to after I'm gone. What I think about the fitness for purpose of that army, its function in the modern world, its behaviour, etc. is clearly irrelevant to your POV. By the same token those million people who marched against the Iraq war hold equal responsibility for the atrocities perpetrated in their name because they 'rely on' those same structures who they marched against.

And that little street? I saw no need.
i ask again: do you read my posts or do you just make it all up?
you've not heard of seamus duffy, 15, killed by plastic bullet 9/8/89
stephen geddis, 10, killed by plastic bullet 30/8/75
carol ann kelly, 12, killed by plastic bullet, 22/5/81
julie livingston, 14, killed by plstic bullet, 13/5/81
stephen mcconomy, 11, killed by plastic bullet, 19/4/82

Even if they were deliberate acts of murder (probably hard to prove as plastic bullets are less than lethal supposedly) in no where compares to attacking a school with the intention of killing kids.
Does that mean he's allowed to call them savages now?
it remains a lazy way of describing an action which he finds unspeakable.

savage: (chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.
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Yes. Is there a blinding truth in them that my lowly intellect is failing to grasp?
if you read them you might see i answered the point you thought novel, in my post 59.

incidentally, it is interesting to note that people who know more about this sort of thing than us here, people like malala yousafzai, describe it is atrocious and cowardly rather than the work of savages or animals.
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if you read them you might see i answered the point you thought novel, in my post 59.

incidentally, it is interesting to note that people who know more about this sort of thing than us here, people like malala yousafzai, describe it is atrocious and cowardly rather than the work of savages or animals.[/QUOTE

Fair one, it's an atrocity by any civilised standard and cowardly in that they attack those who can't defend themselves.

Pretty ignorant thing to say. What they've done is a barbaric act, of that there's no doubt, but given the possible strategic value to be gained from having attacked such a target (a school where senior military officers - meaning ISI officers too - sent their children), they may well have manufactured themselves a lever with which to force the Pakistan military to withdraw from policing actions in the tribal areas.
So if he'd called them barbarians that would have been fine, but savages is out. Shall we quibble some more before we define an acceptable term for a group of people that shoot and kill over a hundred children.

You miss the point. The act was barbaric. Deliberately so. That doesn't make the actors "savages", except perhaps to those who like to hand out moral judgements.
"Savages" implies they killed children because they're savages - that they know no better - whereas I'm making the point that a strategist would see such an attack, however barbaric, as strategically worthwhile.
You miss the point. The act was barbaric. Deliberately so. That doesn't make the actors "savages", except perhaps to those who like to hand out moral judgements.
"Savages" implies they killed children because they're savages

Bollocks. Savages states they are savages because they deliberately killed a group of defenceless children. And I am quite fucking happy to hand out a moral judgement on a group of people who shoot up a school.
Its only a question of time before this happens in the UK.

Schools are completely defenceless targets that generate the most publicity. They (islamic nutters) done it in Belsan, russia remember? Hundreds of kids were killed then too. I remember it vividly. How the fuck they think it helps their cause is beyond me.


The thing all these states where massacres at schools have taken place is the easy availability of firearms. Here in the UK we haven't had anything of this type happen since Dunblane, thank fuck, and since then firearms restrictions have been tightened to the point of strangulation. What's more likely to happen here in the UK, because it's so much easier than acquiring firearms and ammunition, is more bombs, probably using home-made explosives again. :(
Bollocks. Savages states they are savages because they deliberately killed a group of defenceless children. And I am quite fucking happy to hand out a moral judgement on a group of people who shoot up a school.
so you're saying they weren't savages yesterday but they are today.
Defending our own? Fuck that noise. It's not self defence to go into a school and start shooting pupils.

I haven't claimed that it is.

If a kid with a bomb jacket on was walking toward your own children, and you had the means - a firearm, say - to stop the suicide kiddie in their tracks, are you saying you wouldn't commit a barbaric act to preserve the lives of your own children?

My point being, barbaric acts will always be weighed against what they achieve for the person committing them.
Back to the news, anyway. A Taliban spokesman has stated that the suicide bombers have been instructed only to kill older children and to spare minors. Does he really expect this to absolve them of anything?

Unfortunately, he does. It's basically the age-old "we only kill the ones old enough to bear arms against us" schtick beloved of murderous cuntbuckets throughout history.
If a kid with a bomb jacket on was walking toward your own children, and you had the means - a firearm, say - to stop the suicide kiddie in their tracks, are you saying you wouldn't commit a barbaric act to preserve the lives of your own children?

Tell you what, why don't you throw in a runaway cable car and a fat man while playing that game. Perhaps chuck in a question of whether I'd torture said child if they knew the location of my sons abductors, or other such hypotheticals...none of which have any relation to "would you be prepared to walk into a school and kill children who pose no threat to you or yours".
Still not self defence in any way shape or form its just a murder spree and they are fucking primative savages
You may qualify for primative savage status if you think
Children wanting to go to school need to be killed
Women are less important than dogs
Slavery is acceptable
Rape of non belivers is cool too
Honour means killing women is the right thing to do.
Your interpertation of a holy book justifys acts of barabarism.
Which even the writer of the book over a thousand years ago wouldnt justify:mad:
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