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If that's all you can see in the picture, that's fine.

No. It isn't fine.

I can see what you saw, and what you wanted others to see. However, the Marilyn Manson poster just over powers everything. The shot you saw had nothing to do with Marilyn Manson - he isn't what you wanted others to see, but others will undoubtedly remember the power of the poster first.
The drone shots I love are looking vertically down over a forested landscape with perhaps variations such as a hill and valley etc, you just don't get to see these normally, except perhaps helicopter shots and we don't see these so often. It is a birds eye view that I enjoy.
You cannot get it absolutely level because it curves, both ways.

The island on the horizon above the person, is Ailsa Craig, where the granite for the best curling stones in the world is mined. The recent Winter Olympics specified Ailsa Craig stones.
Better? (You crabbit bugger! :eek::D)
Better but still not good enough.
It's the horizontal part of the horizon I want horizontal; ie. the sea. To be precise the tangent to the point on it equidistant from the two side edges of your picture, given that it's technically true that it is curved, although only in one direction when projected onto your 2d picture plane.
Better but still not good enough.
It's the horizontal part of the horizon I want horizontal; ie. the sea. To be precise the tangent to the point on it equidistant from the two side edges of your picture, given that it's technically true that it is curved, although only in one direction when projected onto your 2d picture plane.
Ah, but those of us with the creative gene can visualise the drop over the horizon. :D
Here's one I took at the weekend View attachment 129370
There's kind of two, different interesting things going on in this photo.

One is the jumble of cranes on the skyline, especially those in the left of the frame - lots of different heights and contrasting but complementary angles. To some extent some variation on this is a stronger composition than the entirety:


although it's got some excess clutter in the bottom and needs a tidy. I'd like to see more space off to the left to make that properly work.

The other thing going on is the ice, in which there's loads of lovely detail and textured shapes. The idea of a partly frozen port is fundamentally a good subject. I think it'd look better with more foreground, a squarer composition with more of a kind of 'lead in' pathway for the eye. It'd also look better, although in the absence of a drone there's probably not much to be done about it, if it was taken from about 20-30ft higher than it is. This would separate the jetty from the background by putting some clear space in between. The other way of using that idea is to flatten it as much as possible, i.e. get vertically much closer to the ice, and see if that gives you anything. Or, you know, use a different focal length (or try a panorama) and go and take the same kind of shot but from the jetty. Or if you can, walk to the left. Various options.

Basically the middle section is too dark to provide much detail and is only there because it has to be. HDR might help, as it would to retain the sky and lighten the ice, but probably only so much. Also the left hand side of the shot is stronger than the right, which only really introduces some context - it's a dock.

I say all this because I think it's an interesting photo in an interesting place and another crack at it with the above in mind might turn out something really good.
There's kind of two, different interesting things going on in this photo.

One is the jumble of cranes on the skyline, especially those in the left of the frame - lots of different heights and contrasting but complementary angles. To some extent some variation on this is a stronger composition than the entirety:

View attachment 129373

although it's got some excess clutter in the bottom and needs a tidy. I'd like to see more space off to the left to make that properly work.

The other thing going on is the ice, in which there's loads of lovely detail and textured shapes. The idea of a partly frozen port is fundamentally a good subject. I think it'd look better with more foreground, a squarer composition with more of a kind of 'lead in' pathway for the eye. It'd also look better, although in the absence of a drone there's probably not much to be done about it, if it was taken from about 20-30ft higher than it is. This would separate the jetty from the background by putting some clear space in between. The other way of using that idea is to flatten it as much as possible, i.e. get vertically much closer to the ice, and see if that gives you anything. Or, you know, use a different focal length (or try a panorama) and go and take the same kind of shot but from the jetty. Or if you can, walk to the left. Various options.

Basically the middle section is too dark to provide much detail and is only there because it has to be. HDR might help, as it would to retain the sky and lighten the ice, but probably only so much. Also the left hand side of the shot is stronger than the right, which only really introduces some context - it's a dock.

I say all this because I think it's an interesting photo in an interesting place and another crack at it with the above in mind might turn out something really good.
Its defrosted now
There's kind of two, different interesting things going on in this photo.

One is the jumble of cranes on the skyline, especially those in the left of the frame - lots of different heights and contrasting but complementary angles. To some extent some variation on this is a stronger composition than the entirety:

View attachment 129373

although it's got some excess clutter in the bottom and needs a tidy. I'd like to see more space off to the left to make that properly work.

The other thing going on is the ice, in which there's loads of lovely detail and textured shapes. The idea of a partly frozen port is fundamentally a good subject. I think it'd look better with more foreground, a squarer composition with more of a kind of 'lead in' pathway for the eye. It'd also look better, although in the absence of a drone there's probably not much to be done about it, if it was taken from about 20-30ft higher than it is. This would separate the jetty from the background by putting some clear space in between. The other way of using that idea is to flatten it as much as possible, i.e. get vertically much closer to the ice, and see if that gives you anything. Or, you know, use a different focal length (or try a panorama) and go and take the same kind of shot but from the jetty. Or if you can, walk to the left. Various options.

Basically the middle section is too dark to provide much detail and is only there because it has to be. HDR might help, as it would to retain the sky and lighten the ice, but probably only so much. Also the left hand side of the shot is stronger than the right, which only really introduces some context - it's a dock.

I say all this because I think it's an interesting photo in an interesting place and another crack at it with the above in mind might turn out something really good.

Thank you. I took it on my camera phone so I suppose it's not too bad considering that. Your feeback is interesting and helpful.
Thimble Queen that's what I meant about moving left. I like that much more as a composition, except it's on the piss :D

The wider the shot the better here to get maximum foreground without losing anything else, but obviously you have limited control with a phone.

It's got great, subtle colours & I like that for the most part it could be any time within the last 100 years or so. I can imagine a series of them.
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