During my perhaps half an hour connected to amazon chat, I had at least 5 advisors and none of them were any use. I am however now updating win11 to the latest version and will try amazon on chrome when the update is done.
During my perhaps half an hour connected to amazon chat, I had at least 5 advisors and none of them were any use. I am however now updating win11 to the latest version and will try amazon on chrome when the update is done.
There's Prime Video which is cheaper and only gives you access to the TV stuff and full Amazon Prime which gives you everything. Is it possible you just have Prime Video?
IIRC Video only is 5.99 whereas full prime is 8.99 or something?
Hi UOS I started with Edge, then cleared my cache no joy, then I upgraded Win11, then I tried in chrome. Finally I found an amazon photo backup app which I had to download and now I am finally backing up my photos
I haven't fired up my main PC for a few weeks, as I'm contemplating treating myself to an upgrade, but I'm having a really indecisive moment, as it's a grand or so I would be better off spending elsewhere, so I think I'm subconsciously avoiding tasks that will result in me wishing I had a new PC, and this would be one such task.
I'll probably look at it again in a week or two.
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