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Strictly Come Dancing 2023


Not very good lurker
Rylan has resigned from It Takes Two. I will miss him. And Jeanette is not good enough to do the whole five days.

Cameron also left, very soon after starting so I won't miss him.

Rumours around celebrity contestants, but nothing confirmed.

Amanda Abbington one of those rumours, which I would like.
After a few years away I might watch a bit of it this year. Firstly Angela Scanlon is an obvious draw, and I want to see if Krishnan calls Craig a cunt.
I've just realised, it might be a race between KGM and Jody Cundy as to who gets there first.
Ellie and Nigel early front-runners. I rewatched both of them. Nigel was proper amazing. I really don't like Katya as a person but as a choreograper she is amazing.

Loved Angela's dress but thought she was overmarked.

Quite surprised that both Nikita and Zara were quite so bad. But can imagine there are confidence issues for both of them as well as talent.

Really have a soft spot for Bobby. I followed Jade Goody's story from Big Brother to death and think she was a genuinely lovely person. He seems to have her innocence and energy, and his smile is just as amazing as hers was. I am dreading the week where they will make him bring her up though. You know it's going to happen.

Really hope Les goes first. He makes me feel a little bit sick. Tbf he has done that to me forever, him being older just makes it a little but worse.
first guy didn't appear to have an indoor voice. liked Angela Scanlon. loved Layton, thought Angela Rippon was amazing at the start and the end but she looked a bit fragile in the middle, liked Ellie, Bobby was adorable, Amanda was great.
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