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Stop Deportation - Derwentside (North England) now, and Birmingham Airport tonight (29/06/22) before 10.30PM


Left lyrics in the practice room
Black British residents are set to be forcibly deported to Nigeria and Ghana tonight, tearing families apart. Hifly Airline are set to take off with these people on board at 10.30 tonight.
Anyone who can, please participate in protesting/stopping this/put the word out, contact the airline etc.

Meanwhile, there's a mass protest now at Derwentside IRC, Corbridge Road, DH8 6QY

It looks like the flight went ahead. I believe that one woman - a grandmother with close family in Britain - was taken off the plane.

Among the people scheduled to be focibly deported, there were women with children in the UK, people with severe mental health issues, and a gay Nigerian man who said in 2017, "I’m in the UK because I need protection. If I’m returned to Nigeria, they will kill me,” He shared screenshots of death threats he had received from people in Nigeria.

Women with children in UK face deportation to Nigeria and Ghana

The Home Office has the gall to use a rainbow avatar on their twitter profile.
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