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St. Agnes Place - Putting Up A Resistance

stamfordcfc said:
Scumbag Fitchett is for the high jump at the Extraordinary Council Meeting at the town hall on Wednesday night. I might go along a see the worm squirm. I hope everyone gives the Libs and Con council what for, with the £3 million fraud, £11 million owed by the council due to poor accountancy and St Agnes Place

Bit in bold : thats interesting ... is it suggested that the council's mishandling of St Agnes Place is a big factor in them oweing £11 million?

(Do you mean the Council are in debt to that figure, or just the housing account???? :confused: :confused: )
OK seems that demolition day is to be 30th november, that is the day scheduled by Lambeth planning and today the police confirmed that..... :(

please spread the word
William of Walworth said:
Bit in bold : thats interesting ... is it suggested that the council's mishandling of St Agnes Place is a big factor in them oweing £11 million?

(Do you mean the Council are in debt to that figure, or just the housing account???? :confused: :confused: )

William for your info

Lambeth was trying to pay a bill over five years which should have been paid in one.

The mistake means almost £12 million will have to be found this year

William of Walworth said:
OK thanks for that footnote, but the fraudster's Nigerianness is surely irrelevant .. his criminality is. And the lack of any control over him ...

That earlier post just looked a tad suspicious on first reading to someone like me, just outside the borough, who didn't understand the detail.

Suspicious, in a nasty racist troll like way, I'd say.
William of Walworth said:
30th November is next Wednesday folks ... :( :mad:

Presumably the actual eviction will precede this ... :(

I guess the evictions must be happening anyday now, or over the course of the next few days. :( :mad:
A certain amount of showboating is going to be involved from La Meldrum et al. But never mind, he deserves it. What's the reference to the tragedy (page 4 of the pdf) about?
Donna Ferentes said:
A certain amount of showboating is going to be involved from La Meldrum et al. But never mind, he deserves it. What's the reference to the tragedy (page 4 of the pdf) about?
I was wondering that too.
IntoStella said:
I was wondering that too.

I think the "tragedy" is a reference to the death of Bunmi Shagaya in 2001

SLP September 30th said:
'This is a resigning matter ...'

LAMBETH'S Labour opposition has called for housing councillor Keith Fitchett to resign in the wake of the fraud scandal. Opposition leader Councillor Steve Reed said: "It appears the Liberal Democrat and Conservative council hired a fraudster, handed him the council's cheque book and let him sign millions of pounds over to himself without anyone checking what he was up to. As a result of this staggering incompetence, Lambeth has now lost nearly £3million that should have been used to improve our council housing.
This is one of the biggest fraud cases in the history of British local government, and it's happened because the Lib Dems and Tories are incapable of running the council properly. Lib Dem councillor Keith Fitchett is responsible for this service. I believe it is his failed stewardship that has led to this disaster. He must now resign. If the Lib Dems and Tories don't think incompetence on this scale is a resigning matter, then what on earth is?"

Cllr Fitchett has dismissed Cllr Reed's call.

He said: "It is a shame that Cllr Reed makes a statement that is irresponsible and he knows is significantly misleading. Cllr Reed calls for my resignation. If I thought I was personally at fault I would resign. When Cllr Reed was in charge of the Education department and a schoolgirl drowned on a school trip he did not resign because, although he was responsible for the service, he was not personally at fault. Cllr Reed must explain why the principle he applied to himself should not apply to others. In addition, the financial systems that failed in this fraud are monitored and overseen by two scrutiny committees - both chaired by Labour councillors. Is he calling for their resignation? Strangely not."

I fear Wednesday is going to be a pointless slanging-match.
Fuck me, even I never thought Filchit was that much of a scumbag.

Schoolkid drowns on a school trip.

Housing department loses three million quid.

What kind of piece of shit tries to equate one with the other?

Filchit should resign for trying to make such a disgusting analogy in order to save his own vile arse, letalone all his other shortcomings and misdemeanours.
Fitchett seems to be one of those characters that the more you find out about him, the more dislikable he becomes.

I'm definately thinking of going to the town hall at 6pm tomorrow to support the St.Agnes residents, but I'm not sure I'll be able to sit through the whole meeting though, as I'll have my small son with me...
Yeah. I'm lost for words. :eek:

I think I may have to change my birthday plans slightly to include a SACK FITCHETT demo outside the town hall before the meeting.
IntoStella said:
Yeah. I'm lost for words. :eek:

I think I may have to change my birthday plans slightly to include a SACK FITCHETT demo outside the town hall before the meeting.

Do you want to add something to the other thread (other two threads?) about that??

We'll be in Brixton tomorrow but ... :confused:

Regenerate by Restoration not Demolition

Certain elements of Lambeth council have been demonising St Agnes Place. This vintage street has a strong community spirit and colourful history spanning more than 30 years. The rescue of these houses from dereliction from the 60's to the present day has been due to the efforts of the residents.

The council now has plans to demolish the childrens' One o Clock club, Kennington Adventure Playground and a number of historic houses. These facilitate a diverse community delivering housing and social services for a whole spectrum of ages and cultures.



Lambeth Town Hall Brixton
7pm Wednesday 23rd November 2005


The latest version of the Unitary Development Plan clearly states the street is to be restored. Huge amounts of work, from both community groups and various authorities, have gone in this direction.
Now suddenly the council has surreptitiously obtained possession orders on a basis of demolition. They are going to demolish the whole community with no official redevelopment plans in place. This ruthless haste is threatening to render more than 150 people homeless this winter, an obvious dismissal of basic human rights.


Join us to question the Lib Dem councillor Fitchett to ask what he has been doing with public funds and why he has created a smokescreen by targetting St Agnes Place.

Fitchett faces a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE for claims of misconduct

Help us expose him and show your support for the street

More info: Agnes Cafe - 0207 820 9162 stagnescoop@yahoo.com
IntoStella said:
I was wondering that too.

I read in South London Press a schoolchild from Lambeth died on a field trip a few years ago and Fitchett compared that to the £3million fruad scandal!
He said it was unfair to blame him for the fraud if the then Councillor in charge of Education was not blamed for the accident!!!

Evil Scumbag
From yesterdays' demo;


I couldn't stay for the meeting though, I'm very interested to know how it went, there's such a lot of opposition.
Good to see you last night AG, even if so very briefly :oops: :oops: ..... wish I could have contacted Stig and got her to come over, she knows one or two St Agnes faces I think.

Would like to know the meeting's outcome also.
fitchett survived,the meeting was the usual bullshit.The Lib Dems and Tories stuck together,the defence seemed to be that Labour used to be rubbish when in power,so they didn't have a right to criticize anything that happens now.you would never guessed that 3 million quid had been stolen it was a total joke of a meeting.
Even though he got through the vote,last night even his allies were trying to put some distance between themselves and this arrogant piece of shit, fitchett blamed everyone but himself.he really is an horrible wanker.
sorry it's not a better bit of reporting but i spent most of the meeting seething with anger.
linerider said:
fitchett survived,the meeting was the usual bullshit.The Lib Dems and Tories stuck together,the defence seemed to be that Labour used to be rubbish when in power,so they didn't have a right to criticize anything that happens now.you would never guessed that 3 million quid had been stolen it was a total joke of a meeting.
Even though he got through the vote,last night even his allies were trying to put some distance between themselves and this arrogant piece of shit, fitchett blamed everyone but himself.he really is an horrible wanker.
sorry it's not a better bit of reporting but i spent most of the meeting seething with anger.

<cough>Independent councillors for the election?</cough>
linerider said:
fitchett survived,the meeting was the usual bullshit.The Lib Dems and Tories stuck together,the defence seemed to be that Labour used to be rubbish when in power,so they didn't have a right to criticize anything that happens now.you would never guessed that 3 million quid had been stolen it was a total joke of a meeting.
Even though he got through the vote,last night even his allies were trying to put some distance between themselves and this arrogant piece of shit, fitchett blamed everyone but himself.he really is an horrible wanker.
sorry it's not a better bit of reporting but i spent most of the meeting seething with anger.

I take it from this that the plan to demolish St Agnes was in no way hindered ... :( :(
William of Walworth said:
I take it from this that the plan to demolish St Agnes was in no way hindered ... :( :(
not that i could tell(i left just before the end so it might have been mentioned but i doubt it).i think that the council are using the fact that it can sell St Agnes as a way of replacing the money that was stolen.
i forgot to say in my other post,that although fitchett is still in charge of housing everything he does has to be agreed by his deputy and a committee,which shows how much faith his colleagues really have in him.
linerider said:
...i think that the council are using the fact that it can sell St Agnes as a way of replacing the money that was stolen.

:eek: :eek: :mad:

This is outrageous.
What a lousy justification for tearing down a community.
Fitchett has to go.

Whilst I was at the demo, holding up a small anti-Fitchett placard, so many people (who were not part of the demo) came up to me and agreed Fitchett was dredful, I was quite suprised.
EVICTION tuesday 29th November

St Agnes Place Community
Kennington Park

The baliffs and police will be on the street tomorrow morning to start the evictions for demolition to commence. Please come along and show your support as early as you can (by 8am preferably). This eviction if successful will mean an end to 30 years of this multicultural community, and will leave 150 people homeless and facing winter conditions with nowhere to go :(

how to get there.....
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