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Squatting becomes illegal in England and Wales with LASPO legislation

Criminalise homelessness. Yeah, that's a real solution to the housing crisis. :rolleyes::mad:

Only philosophically bankrupt fuckers like the Toxics could come up with shit like this.
Criminalise homelessness. Yeah, that's a real solution to the housing crisis. :rolleyes::mad:

Only philosophically bankrupt fuckers like the Toxics could come up with shit like this.

Well, you could take the Conspiracy Theory approach, which might go something like this:
Criminalise the squatting of residential property, which will shift the focus of squatters onto non-residential property.
Covertly allow the squatting of non-residential property to take place through not legislating hard against it.
10 years down the road of non-residential property being squatted as residences, attempt to legislate for phased change-of-use of those non-residential properties as residential properties.
Well, you could take the Conspiracy Theory approach, which might go something like this:
Criminalise the squatting of residential property, which will shift the focus of squatters onto non-residential property.
Covertly allow the squatting of non-residential property to take place through not legislating hard against it.
10 years down the road of non-residential property being squatted as residences, attempt to legislate for phased change-of-use of those non-residential properties as residential properties.

Interesting idea, VP.
this is all happening as massive HB cuts are being introduced and will affect young people, with more to come, Cameron has talked about cutting HB completely for under 25's.
this is all happening as massive HB cuts are being introduced and will affect young people, with more to come, Cameron has talked about cutting HB completely for under 25's.

I would have been absolutely fucked if that had been in when I was growing up. I had to move out of home, and I needed to move to other areas to look for work. Any work, and I took whatever I could. However, I would not have been able to survive a week in London without HB, I simply would never have gone. One month later I had a job, but it was a month after that that I had any money. I couldn't have done it without HB. I wouldn't have gotten my crappy job, then a better job then a better one. I wouldn't have gone to college, I wouldn't have been able to claim HB again when I left college that bought me about four months time to find a decent trainee job which led to a proper career and a decent life.

I think in total I have maybe spent seven months on HB in my life, all when I was under 25. Without it I suspect would be needing it a hell of a lot more over the age of 25.

I'm pretty sure my life would be fucked.
My Tory mum is dancing about she's so happy about this. She thinks that it will stop these game playing ner-do-wells from 'having their fun at the expense of landowners', and that it hasn't gone far enough. :facepalm: :(

Trying so hard to keep my mouth shut. It's a pointless argument. No, she's not trolling me either - she really believes it sadly. :mad:
So cutting housing benefit and making squatting illegal is surely gonna have to push up wages then or lower rents?
Cos if you think about it HB and squatting has in effect been subsidising poor paying jobs........???
Otherwise who's gonna do the shit jobs?
no. contrary to popular belief most banners aren't made in squats

There was a bloke on Radio 5 this morning who was saying that some squats in commercial premises ( he made the point actually that most squats aren't in residential properties) were involved in banner making.
I would have been absolutely fucked if that had been in when I was growing up. I had to move out of home, and I needed to move to other areas to look for work. Any work, and I took whatever I could. However, I would not have been able to survive a week in London without HB, I simply would never have gone. One month later I had a job, but it was a month after that that I had any money. I couldn't have done it without HB. I wouldn't have gotten my crappy job, then a better job then a better one. I wouldn't have gone to college, I wouldn't have been able to claim HB again when I left college that bought me about four months time to find a decent trainee job which led to a proper career and a decent life.

I think in total I have maybe spent seven months on HB in my life, all when I was under 25. Without it I suspect would be needing it a hell of a lot more over the age of 25.

I'm pretty sure my life would be fucked.
That's the entire point of tory policy. They've always hated young and poor people, just now that extends to anyone whose family aren't millionaires.
They don't want anyone from less than an upper middle class background to succeed at anything, mostly
There was a bloke on Radio 5 this morning who was saying that some squats in commercial premises ( he made the point actually that most squats aren't in residential properties) were involved in banner making.

*collective gasps and putting of hands to face* 'NOT Banner making!?!?!?!?' :eek:

I think someone should make banners saying: Ban Banners!

ETA: You know; we really can't be having this. Next the underlings will be learning to read and write and will be *looks left, looks right* printing BOOOKS!
*collective gasps and putting of hands to face* 'NOT Banner making!?!?!?!?' :eek:

I think someone should make banners saying: Ban Banners!

ETA: You know; we really can't be having this. Next the underlings will be learning to read and write and will be *looks left, looks right* printing BOOOKS!

Perhaps even newspapers and pamphlets, the dirty squatter scum! :mad:
Brothers, Sisters, Comrades. I hope you will join me in supporting my humble resolution to the United Nations in response to the Government's Anti-Squatting legislation and as a response to all those who are vehemently against squatting. I am still working on the final draft but it will be something along the lines of the following:

We the undersigned demand the removal of all existing, non indigenous British squatters from the following British Overseas Territories which include Las Malvinas, Anguilla, Bermuda. British Antartic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia and Turks and Caicos Islands and other places to be mentioned.

In addition, seek to remove all the white squatters who through their ancestors forcibly took over and colonised: North America including Canada as well as Australia and New Zealand and that the original indigenous people of these lands - e.g. Maoris and Aborigines - be returned that which is rightfully theirs - their country.

Moreover, all previous colonies occupied and controlled by Brit Man such as India, Africa the Caribbean and the West Indies and parts of Asia e.g. Hong Kong will be given compensation for damage caused to their culture and peoples by the horde of colonialist squatters despatched by the British Government to lands afar.

The U.N. resolution shall be known as: Fuck Off Back To Where You Belong Brit Man.

Other colonisers such as the French, Dutch, Spanish and Portugese governments and their squatters can sort out their own business. I am too busy to take on the world.

There shall be a further amendment to this resolution to evict those known commonly as The Windsors who for far too long have illegally occupied a number of large and stately homes in the British Isles.
Brothers, Sisters, Comrades. I hope you will join me in supporting my humble resolution to the United Nations in response to the Government's Anti-Squatting legislation and as a response to all those who are vehemently against squatting. I am still working on the final draft but it will be something along the lines of the following:

We the undersigned demand the removal of all existing, non indigenous British squatters from the following British Overseas Territories<snip>

In addition, seek to remove all the white squatters who through their ancestors forcibly took over and colonised<snip>

Moreover, all previous colonies occupied and controlled by Brit Man <snip> will be given compensation for damage caused to their culture and peoples by the horde of colonialist squatters despatched by the British Government to lands afar.

The U.N. resolution shall be known as: Fuck Off Back To Where You Belong Brit Man.

Other colonisers <snip>and their squatters can sort out their own business. I am too busy to take on the world.

There shall be a further amendment to this resolution to evict those known commonly as The Windsors<snip>
If a law is to be fair it (and the enforcement of it) should be applicable to all. :cool: Although IMHO your logical conclusion does stretch it a bit far.
First eviction took place in Brighton today (under new legislation) 3 arrests. Squat near Preston Circus behind"ish" The Hydrant
I think this is going to be a test case. They announced the squat with a banner unfurled on the building for Pride.

The parade passed right by the building so half the Police in Brighton saw it. :D
Yep, it's one of those mixed buildings so this will be relevant for squatted pubs too.
They could have tried to at least not get done for abstracting electricity though, that is a fairly easy thing to avoid if you are awaiting eviction.
There's a 10 minute video there of the long door smashing session of the police to gain access.
Sorry - hadn't uploaded to my website when I posted that - pics are on my site of which the url is in my profile
looks like an office building though, so new law not applicable really, I wonder how it will go, but this sort of highly visible actions tend to not last for that long.
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