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Spy satellites and cloud, darkness etc...

Can spy satellites see through thick cloud?
Visible or IR wavelengths, no.
Can they also see much at night?
At night, artificially lit areas are visible, while infrared cameras can detect heat of vehicles, buildings, people etc. even in pitch blackness. The resolution is much lower than during the day however, due to the very low brightness compared to direct sunlight.

But radar can see through clouds, and Synthetic Aperture Radar can achieve resolution almost as good as optical telescopes.
It can detect the shape of things, but not their brightness/colour and it will miss anything that moves much during the sweep of the beam.

Paging 2hats for corrections + further info :)
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At night, artificially lit areas are visible, while infrared cameras can detect heat of vehicles, buildings, people etc. even in pitch blackness. The resolution is much lower than during the day however, due to the very low brightness compared to direct sunlight.
Also: longer wavelength => larger detector pixels.
But radar can see through clouds, and Synthetic Aperture Radar can achieve resolution almost as good as optical telescopes.
It can detect the shape of things, but not their brightness/colour and it will miss anything that moves much during the sweep of the beam.
Not just through clouds but sub-surface too. Hence archaeological uses (left: visible, right: SAR).

Features in the ocean, wakes of vessels.

Even possible to see how full various vessels, storage tanks are (examine these oil storage tanks in the fully zoomed version):
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2 more radar images here...

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