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Songs where you have to endure the shit bit to get to the good bit.

Exhibit A:


Weird white knight shit sung in patois - pass.

THAT chorus though.
He’s judgemental until his dick kicks in and then overlooks his previous thoughts.

God save the King is boring until we get stuck into the Scots. I am obviously joking but I’m struggling to think of an example unless you prefer the Dinosaur bit in the middle of Echoes.
Sonic Youth's Dripping Dream. Quite run of the mill until this wonderful quiet sad bit of guitar for a minute or so, it's wonderful
Anything with a guitar solo in it. (Last week I was idly thinking of doing a poll about "what's the worst thing you can do to a song, guitar solo or autotune?")
Anything with a guitar solo in it. (Last week I was idly thinking of doing a poll about "what's the worst thing you can do to a song, guitar solo or autotune?")

I've gone right off guitar solos. The effect is usually visceral, rather than emotional. The best ones are slow, and simple. Something you could sing along with.

Some writer or other summed up the true genius of George Harrison; the fact you can sing all his guitar parts.
I've gone right off guitar solos. The effect is usually visceral, rather than emotional. The best ones are slow, and simple. Something you could sing along with.

Some writer or other summed up the true genius of George Harrison; the fact you can sing all his guitar parts.
The convention is a bit ridiculous. And I speak as a purveyor of them myself.
All those songs that have a needless wibbly introductory bit before the song properly begins. Even the usually ruthlessly efficient Future of the Left did it with Arming Eritrea, and even there it is superfluous to requirements and you just want to get through it to get to the song.
What annoys me more than anything, and it's present in lots of music I like, are those long drawn out endings. Especially the ones that are twice as loud as the actual song and just turn the song into a garbled mess at the end, or they finish with some annoying high pitch sound or other.
I love the whole album. One of my favourites of all time. Would definitely be in the top 10 somewhere.
oh yeah rumours is one of those albums thats been recognized as brilliant across multiple generations now. My parents played it. It went viral among the yoot during lockdown and gave the band members another big payday.
That EOB - Brazil track. The folky opening doesn't do that much for me, then it turns into a bit of a Sasha/UNKLE inspired monster.
What annoys me more than anything, and it's present in lots of music I like, are those long drawn out endings. Especially the ones that are twice as loud as the actual song and just turn the song into a garbled mess at the end, or they finish with some annoying high pitch sound or other.
Oh yeah, I don't notice it on record so much but a lot of noisy bands love doing that thing of "let's just make an annoying guitar squeal between songs" when playing live, and it always feels like it's adding nothing to the experience except for adding to my chances of hearing damage.
Mudhoney's version of Halloween by the Sonic Youths. Pretty much what you'd expect and then turns into a revved up I Wanna be Your Dog by the Stooges just before the end.
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