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How do we establish solidarity between disparate groups and build on it?

My thoughts are it starts from empathy. Then a leaning into shared values. A willingness to compromise or at least put aside differences to emphasise the unity you do have on the core belief.

Which is very easy to say.

I'm assuming you are more interested in hearing what people think the practical actions should be rather than attemps to state a general concept.

That I am at something I a loss to.

Part of me wonders if we should be thinking of things in terms of brand and community management but using such a capitalist framework would be an anathema to many.

Ignore me I'm just wibbling at this point I think.
Solidarity withy strikes means not crossing picket lines and of course you can physically turn up to support striking workers.

Sadly this narrow definition means I can't show solidarity to women unless we are going full Lysistrata.

(Apologies for light hearted post if we are going for a serious thread)
I'm assuming you are more interested in hearing what people think the practical actions should be rather than attemps to state a general concept. That I am at something I a loss to.
Practical action totally depends on the case, and each case opens up a list of things its possible to do in solidarity - not really much of a mystery. The problem is finding the time and energy to do those things.
Sadly this narrow definition means I can't show solidarity to women unless we are going full Lysistrata.

(Apologies for light hearted post if we are going for a serious thread)
I’m sure women are also involved in industrial disputes, I’m representing a couple at the moment.
(I’m aware that there’s other areas where solidarity can be shown but just expressed what I’m mostly involved in).
to me solidarity is a physical action, not a sentiment, so i tend to bristle if i hear it said in a way that doesnt lead to someone acutally doing something to help
What does it mean to you?
“Showing up”
“shoulder to shoulder”

Having the empathy to recognise something that doesn’t necessarily effect you as an individual needs bodies behind it and showing face

It’s a marathon not a sprint (but some sprints can move mountains)

How you show it?
Showing up, adding effort/horse power but without the ego. Turn up, ask/recognise what’s needed and do it. Then fuck off till the next time, rinse and repeat

Is it important to you?
Other than betrayal (antonym of solidarity? ) it’s the most powerful emotion I have experienced

Have you benefitted from it?

With a little “S” in a spoken word environment where every member of the audience turns up week after week and supports everyone who gets up to perform

How do we establish solidarity between disparate groups and build on it?


Focus on common ground. Engaging with groups/experiences/people you perhaps wouldn’t normally be involved in. Move out of your comfort zone, learn about other people and their lives and situations. Be inquisitive and positive and humble
Back in the 1980s, the one side of my family showed their support by "tithing" (as the Credit Union worded it) all their interest to Solidarity. I know that's not what the OP meant, but I always found it interesting that there was such a thing and it was presumably widespread in the Polish diaspora. The Ukrainian Credit Union was even involved as well, ex-pat Ukrainians being interested in anything anti-Russian too.
I think of solidarity as basically being about sticking together and supporting one another. It's the opposite of individualism.
Isn't it a little stronger than that? For me, if I've declared solidarity with someone, what I'm saying is that if that person suffers, so do I, that I refuse to accept better treatment for myself than the treatment they are given.

I kind of agree with the sentiment that it's easy to say and harder to do. It has to involve at least being prepared to give stuff up in its name. If it doesn't involve that, it's not really solidarity.
to me solidarity is a physical action, not a sentiment, so i tend to bristle if i hear it said in a way that doesnt lead to someone acutally doing something to help
I don't disagree with your view but when I think about how I see the word used now it is often the exact opposite - people expressing their support for something publically precisely because they aren't there in person or supporting in a more active way. social media obviously being the classic case. one of those where the word's usage is shifting over time. "Solidarity with those in Nashville..." etc.
Isn't it a little stronger than that? For me, if I've declared solidarity with someone, what I'm saying is that if that person suffers, so do I, that I refuse to accept better treatment for myself than the treatment they are given.

I kind of agree with the sentiment that it's easy to say and harder to do. It has to involve at least being prepared to give stuff up in its name. If it doesn't involve that, it's not really solidarity.

That sounds more like empathy and moral recognition to me. Solidarity is not only refusing 'to accept better treatment' for oneself, its often 'hey we're both being fucked over here, lets club together to fight back'.
That sounds more like empathy and moral recognition to me. Solidarity is not only refusing 'to accept better treatment' for oneself, its often 'hey we're both being fucked over here, lets club together to fight back'.
Sure it can be that. But it can also be 'over here, I'm not necessarily fucked in the way you are, but I choose to join you over there out of solidarity'. (I agree that it's an active thing really, not just a sentiment - it's a commitment.)
Does it though? I know a few people whose activism is limited to shouting into a bubble.
It’s a (Communication) tool that can generate support and action

I spent the week spamming everyone about the Newquay Asylum seeker protest. I wasn’t there but I would hope my social media activity tickled up a few more bodies who may have been happier sat in bed on a Sunday morning

Having said that…The protest went ahead and the huge output of angry racists online vehemence didn’t translate to action (turning up) and collapsed

Social media is how we communicate these days.
You could flog the “Socialist Worker” on street corners for a decade and not reach the number of people a single viral tweet can hit
i guess there are times when making a public statement - which basically means posting on social media - has some limited power, but its pretty insignificant in the scheme of things, unless the person has something to lose or power to influence . Alan Shearer showing solidarity with people imprisoned over Kill The Bill demos by tweeting in support would have some impact, but for most normal people in most cases its a little puff or hot air that doesnt do anything.

It’s a (Communication) tool that can generate support and action. I spent the week spamming everyone about the Newquay Asylum seeker protest. I wasn’t there but I would hope my social media activity tickled up a few more bodies who may have been happier sat in bed on a Sunday morning
sounds fair enough like practical solidarity to me, but most posts barely count i think.

i hope im not coming across as sanctimonious, i do a little but it is a little, but im making the point based on my own inertia and constant prioritising of my own personal projects over giving help to others
Does it though? I know a few people whose activism is limited to shouting into a bubble.
Ideas spread in many ways

If you are decrying a huge number of people because they don’t physically turn up/act for whatever reason, and there is a whole lot of reasons people cannot “act” you aren’t showing much evidence of the empathy required to generate solidarity

In the U.K. the vast majority don’t seem to turn up very often, just seems like a cultural thing.
It’s a (Communication) tool that can generate support and action

I spent the week spamming everyone about the Newquay Asylum seeker protest. I wasn’t there but I would hope my social media activity tickled up a few more bodies who may have been happier sat in bed on a Sunday morning

Having said that…The protest went ahead and the huge output of angry racists online vehemence didn’t translate to action (turning up) and collapsed

Social media is how we communicate these days.
You could flog the “Socialist Worker” on street corners for a decade and not reach the number of people a single viral tweet can hit
I agree it’s helpful. Why weren’t you there btw?
Ideas spread in many ways

If you are decrying a huge number of people because they don’t physically turn up/act for whatever reason, and there is a whole lot of reasons people cannot “act” you aren’t showing much evidence of the empathy required to generate solidarity
Well SOMEBODY has to turn up, don’t they?
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