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Solar Impulse plane doing epic global flight

At the moment Si2 is in a holding pattern over the Pacific preparing to achieve the right altitude to cross a cold front.
Incidentally, any computer techs reading this, when I am viewing the solarimpulse.com website, my computer starts whirring, the fan comes on and it seems the website is demanding of computer resources, is that to be expected?
So, sometime this afternoon UK time, the plane Si2 and pilot made it across the Pacific ocean to Hawaii after some 120 hours of flying non stop from Nagoya Japan. They broke a few records on the way, pretty cool stuff.
Incidentally, any computer techs reading this, when I am viewing the solarimpulse.com website, my computer starts whirring, the fan comes on and it seems the website is demanding of computer resources, is that to be expected?

If memory serves, that happened last time I went on that site so it is probably normal.

Good to hear they've landed in Hawaii. :cool:
Incidentally, any computer techs reading this, when I am viewing the solarimpulse.com website, my computer starts whirring, the fan comes on and it seems the website is demanding of computer resources, is that to be expected?
My ageing I3 isn't strained by it ..
Whaich broswer are you using ?
What a shame. Still problems need resolving.

Still irritates me slightly how they claim flying on only solar power when I am pretty sure they charge the batteries when it is on the ground.
Hmmm :hmm: I would be very disappointed if this is the case
I haven't seen any concrete evidence that they do connect to the grid when on the ground, but sometimes the plane is in a hangar for weeks at a time then comes out and flies in the dark with battery power for a nights flight so I don't see how else they are doing it, unless they continuously trickle charge with available light when inside a hangar.
I haven't seen any concrete evidence that they do connect to the grid when on the ground, but sometimes the plane is in a hangar for weeks at a time then comes out and flies in the dark with battery power for a nights flight so I don't see how else they are doing it, unless they continuously trickle charge with available light when inside a hangar.

Do you know how long it takes to fully charge it from sunlight alone?
Did we confirm this for definate?
There is a post on their website at the moment which says:
Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg, have set out to achieve something that still seems impossible today: the First Round-The-World Solar Flight, powered only by the sun, with no fuel or polluting emissions. In line with the Piccard Family tradition of scientific exploration and protection of the environment, Solar Impulse wants to demonstrate that ....
Solar Impulse - Around the world to promote clean technologies

Which does seem to suggest ONLY solar power.
Now on the ground in Seville.
So, now the batteries should be low, after a night flight, I wonder if they will charge using the panels while on the ground, or ....
Solar Impulse 2 is due to depart Cairo at midnight (BST) tonight for the last leg to Abu Dhabi. Live stream here. They've been waiting for a suitable weather window as the aircraft will be stretched in the hot, less dense air over the Arabian Peninsula.
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