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Solar Impulse plane doing epic global flight

I wonder just how much food and water he's brought with him. Otherwise he just has to keep a steady course and eventually he'll find land...
They seem to have got their systems back under control now.

But Bob_the_lost he could chose a steady heading that took him across the Pacific missed Hawaii and the bottom of South America and onwards .. no land :)
gentlegreen I notice when I have the solarimpulse website up including the data pages and video feed, the fan and hard disk on my puter start up. is that to be expected?
gentlegreen I notice when I have the solarimpulse website up including the data pages and video feed, the fan and hard disk on my puter start up. is that to be expected?

On my rather elderly machine that's been on since Friday evening, it doesn't seem to stretch things particularly much.

What sort of hardware do you have ?

I suggest opening the "performance" tab in task manager and seeing what the CPU and RAM are doing .. later versions of the CPU desktop widget give you CPU clock speed too http://addgadgets.com/

Your CPU cooler fins could be clogged ... it may also be down to room temperature ...

Actually now that you mention it, my PC is a bit busy at the moment - I will reboot and check ...


Better now - after a couple of days the RAM use had crept up to about 6GB and the CPU was a bit too busy - I can't say if it was that page that caused it - certainly no probs after a reboot.


Darn - my CPU cooler fan bearing must be failing - I will have to order a new one and make plans to excavate my PC from the depths of my alcove for a clean-up - I need to fit a backup hard drive in any case ... - it used to be as near as dammit silent. :(
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In a change of plan, Si2 is to land at Nagoya according to twitter, due to bad weather.

I wonder if it is also to fix this gremlin they have in their electronics.

explanation here:
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Update regarding landing at Nagoya, Solar Impulse is not permitted its usual catching team on the runway which could increase risk to the aircraft, also they do not have allocated hanger space so the aircraft will have in the short term to be tied down with a protection kit. They have an aircraft at the main Nagoya airport which has a portable hanger but do not yet have the required permissions to transport and set up this hangar for Si2.
I don't know what would have affected FlightRadar, but Solar Impulse themselves had some interesting problems with their own electronics last night.

Yeah just catching up on that. I am kicking myself for missing the latest leg of this flight. Got to go to a meeting now so will miss the landing at Nagoya :mad:
Nice to see Flight Radar now have a dedicated icon for it, it used to be a pain in the arse weeding it out from the 737s a320s and the like
Ah wondered why I could not see it on Flightradar today

Supposedly FR24 are receiving the location via a satellite link (not from ground based ADS-B receivers).
Nice to see Flight Radar now have a dedicated icon for it, it used to be a pain in the arse weeding it out from the 737s a320s and the like

Use a filter? Solar Impulse 2 will show up with "Solar" or the registration "HB-SIB".
Supposedly FR24 are receiving the location via a satellite link (not from ground based ADS-B receivers.

Use a filter? Solar Impulse 2 will show up with "Solar" or the registration "HB-SIB".

Ah I was wondering how they were going to keep track with no ADS-B coverage over the Pacific.
Let's hope everyone knows what they're doing!

That 747 freighter is heading to NGO ie Chūbu Centrair International Airport which is located on an artificial island in the bay, to the south of Nagoya. Solar Impulse 2 is going to land at Nagoya airfield (NKM) to the north of the city.
I suppose we will see how stable Si2 is on its little outrigger wheels, are they enough to support it and prevent it tipping onto one or other of its wings? No catching crew permitted on the runway. As the catching crew normally also push it about I suppose it will also have to taxi under its own steam.
Twitter is saying it has landed, without the outrigger wheels if the photo is anything to go by, which seems odd.
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