so supporting my organisations call for a new workers party constitutes a commitment to reply to every tedious do-nothing fuckwit making a tedious do-nothing, uninformed and ignorant, cynical comment on urban 75?
apparently i am meant to conform to their fantasies of 'political commitment' which consist of half-baked preconceptions repeated ad-infernitum on a bulletin board
Jean Luc never asked fuck all - he made a riduculous and ignorant snide remark and it was treated in the same way it was handed out. if Jean Luc of any of the other tedious fucks hanging around on this website wish to make sensible remarks or ask any reasonable questions I am more than happy to answer as and when real-worlds commitments permit. I am of course, more than happy to do this in real life as well (something I find the ejets i've pulled up in the past tend to back away from)
thats the context, durrutti...
ok then answer me then As you know i regulalry work with members of the SP and am happy to do so out of all the left. BUT i and i think others are entitled to use this forum to ask serious questions about longer term aims and objectives of those we work with.