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So, what's Sheffield like then?

Agree with Belboid - It's fucking brilliant. I've loved the place since I used to visit as a kid to go to the football and about 3 years ago I finally got the chance to live here full time. It's a big city and you get all the facilities that go with that but it really doesn't feel like one - there's none of the anonymity you get with other big cities, strangers are willing to talk to you in the street - whether you want them to or not :D

You'll have no trouble with parks to walk the dog either - Sheffield has a belt of really nice, old, well established parks running right across the city - you'd have to be really unlucky not to have one nearby no matter where you live.

I'm no expert but I think I'd be right in saying that property is more expensive in Sheffield than the surrounding towns - if you don't mind a 10 minute commute to work on the train Chesterfield's quite nice and house prices are much cheaper, maybe worth considering.
Probably a bit late now but I was in the Rutland Arms last night, seems a decent pub that's worth a visit if you're in the area. I didn't try the food, but that looked good too.
Although i have never visited Sheffield is in my top 5 UK cities to live in as it just sounds lovely with the pubs & hill & music. My other cities are Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh and York.
One of my best mates used to share a house with saaam up there so used to spend a few lost weekends listening to gabba and enjoying the hills in Sheffield . Met the lovely blairsh as well. Another good mate of mine is a Sheffield lad.

Top city. Although tinged with a bit of obvious sadness.
well we visited and the fella got offered the job :) so we have until Friday to decide... it's really up to him so we'll know soon.

I quite liked the city. we had a good look around the Eccleshall Road and Abbeydale Road areas as well as driving around most of West Sheffield to check it out. Also drove out to the peak district and I LOVE how close the countryside is! A lot of hills though so cycling around will be fun :D

we found a few nice pubs but I imagine/hope that there are more to be found!
Appalling place that should be put to the flame.

This has nothing to do with one of my best friends having moved there a few months ago, meaning I don't get to see her any more, obviously :hmm:
I love Sheffield. One of the few places outside London I'd happily live (in the UK)

My brother lives in Heeley- went up to do an MA, never left, now married to a Sheffielder and never will.
well, the move to Sheffield is ON! I'm here at the moment househunting which makes me want to simultaneously rip my hair out and sob inconsolably. fucking letting agent bastards!

If you're planning on living near Endcliffe Park, and you're in the area then it might be worth having a look in the window of the newsagents at the bottom of Junction Rd (by Cafe Ceres, right on Hunter's Bar) and also the Post Office on Sharrow Vale Rd. Bit of a longshot but there are often houses/flats advertised that don't involve letting agents. Worth a look if you're near.
What's Sheffield like? Horrible. I don't like it, and I avoid going there whenever I can. I can think of nothing positive to say about the place other than it has trams.
If you're planning on living near Endcliffe Park, and you're in the area then it might be worth having a look in the window of the newsagents at the bottom of Junction Rd (by Cafe Ceres, right on Hunter's Bar) and also the Post Office on Sharrow Vale Rd. Bit of a longshot but there are often houses/flats advertised that don't involve letting agents. Worth a look if you're near.
thanks! I'm nowhere near there but I can make a trip there. I could do with a walk...
Well don't make a special trip because it might be slim pickings! - I thought you said at some point you were going to live nr Endcliffe Pk. Good Luck!
Yes, I'd like to ideally. but househunting is HARD and I'm only here until Friday! I'll take any leads I can get right now :)

and, thanks :)
I was up in Sheffield on the weekend. We played the Greystones which was a lovely venue with a grand crowd.




In photos: a look around Sheffield in late autumn
I'm there in March for he first time for www.outlinesfestival.com and need to book a central hotel so any suggestions appreciated.
There aren't any particularly nice ones. Novotel is supposedly the 'best' but with the cost to go with it. Premier Inns are fine, and handily located either sid of the city centre, depending on where you are hanging out that night.

Owt in particular you're seeing at Outlines?
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