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A little break from Sheffield

just a thought - my understanding is it's only self contained holiday accommodation, not B+B's that can (subject to future 'steps' not being postponed) open in April. B+B places aren't until the May 17 phase of things.
There are some wonderful urbanites from Cleethorpes. Fine people.

If I were there I'd have fish and chips in Ernie Beckett's in the market place. I'd walk along the prom towards the leisure centre, then further along towards Humberstone, where the very best of urbanites are from.

I'd go back on the light railway, stopping at what is possibly the world's smallest pub, before completing the journey on the train. I'd then have to go to the Indian restaurant near the council offices for a meal.

Cleethorpes is very down at heal these days after many years of the council neglecting it. They are now trying to turn things round with some really odd ideas. But it is a "traditional" day out from Sheffield, so much so that at one time the Sheffield Star was as easy to find as the local rag.

And there's some amazing people from Cleethorpes.
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