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Smoking in Plane Bogs

For flights in (or originating from or arriving to) the US (at least) carrying of e-cigs ("battery-powered portable electronic smoking devices") in checked luggage is banned (battery concerns) so if you have them with you you must keep them in carry on. However, use of e-cigs on board an aircraft (by passengers or crew) is explicitly banned by US federal law (DoT regulation) for the same - enjoy debating this with air marshals/TSA/Feds. It is also an offence to charge those devices and/or their batteries on board aircraft.
As an aside, since giving up smoking the start of an aeroplane's decent is a real trigger point for me. Like really looking forward to that after-flight-fag. Would be very strong after over 18 months...
On a side note ....people vape in the toilets where I work...they stand on the crapper...lift a ceiling tile ....and blast it into the false ceiling void
So, will having a blast on an e-ciggy in the bogs on a plane set off any sort of detectors?

I have a nine hour flight to Mumbai next Friday then a five hour flight to Bangkok and will probs require a chuff at some stage of the proceedings.

There's a smoking room in Mumbai airport, or at least there was 3 years ago
You could simultaneously exhale into the toilet and flush at the same time. They don't half have some powerful suction.
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There is a smoking area at Aberdeen. (or was in 2014)
It tries to charge you £1.00 for entry but if you knock on the door people inside will let you in for free!

Still there, its like being in a big cage! - and yes, you always politely hold the door for the next person. :D
If it's Air India be aware that they occasionally have Sky Marshals on the aircraft. He will be a senior Indian Army NCO who is an expert marksman with a pistol. I don't think I'd want to be pissing around with vapour producing fluids in the toilet under those circumstances.

Don't be cowed by authority; live adventurously!
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