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Smoking in Plane Bogs


From Tuscany SE22
So, will having a blast on an e-ciggy in the bogs on a plane set off any sort of detectors?

I have a nine hour flight to Mumbai next Friday then a five hour flight to Bangkok and will probs require a chuff at some stage of the proceedings.
So, will having a blast on an e-ciggy in the bogs on a plane set off any sort of detectors?

I have a nine hour flight to Mumbai next Friday then a five hour flight to Bangkok and will probs require a chuff at some stage of the proceedings.

Prob not. It must be a fairly regular occurrence on long haul flights. Albeit I can imagine you to get a fine or something if it comes to the attention of the cabin crew.

The bog will probably be occupied when you really need a vape though.
Practice holding the vapor for long enough that it doesn't come out when you exhale. What I usually do is get a seat on the plane right at the back and in a corner where there quite frequently is no one next to me. Otherwise I have my carry-on bag at my feet and pretty much stick my head in it and appear to be having a good old search for something while I puff on the e-cig.
So, will having a blast on an e-ciggy in the bogs on a plane set off any sort of detectors?

I have a nine hour flight to Mumbai next Friday then a five hour flight to Bangkok and will probs require a chuff at some stage of the proceedings.

If it's Air India be aware that they occasionally have Sky Marshals on the aircraft. He will be a senior Indian Army NCO who is an expert marksman with a pistol. I don't think I'd want to be pissing around with vapour producing fluids in the toilet under those circumstances.
On a slightly related note (!)...If you've ever wondered why there are ash trays in plane toilets - even new ones - it's because, in the armageddon scenario that someone dares to sneak in a crafty ciggy, they'd still rather dispose of them properly, and not the potential perfect incineration environment of the hand towel bin.

Got loads more like that if anyone's interested :p:thumbs:
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Just go without for a few hours...It really won't kill you! I've done it a lot lately and airports in Asia seem to often have smoking areas so you can have a crafty one between flights.
I think that's exactly what OP doesn't want to do, hence the thread.

The answer is surely don't even try? How cravenly pathetic must you be to think yourself unable to have a fag for a few hours to avoid triggering a fire alarm on an aircraft. ffs get a grip.

I puff away constantly on planes. Just be discreet and nobody will even notice.

One day someone will think you're fiddling with an explosive device - good luck with that. :thumbs:
I wouldn't even consider it. Patches do the job very well. I've also used snuff in the past for a nicotine hit. Happy travels...
I've vaped loads on planes. Just be discreet and hold it in as much as possible.

Last flight I took, my ecig leaked everywhere. Might be something to do with the pressure.
My ex recently got on a European flight which didn't make it as far as the runway before an alarm went off and they had to return to their gate. Someone had vaped in the toilet. They were found, their baggage located in the hold and both them and their luggage were expunged from the flight. For everyone else, there was an extra 3 hour delay!
We don't know the full details of the recent Egypt Air disaster but it seems the first indication that something was wrong may have been a smoke indication from one of the toilets. Perhaps the pilots thought someone was having a crafty fag, who knows. Within minutes they were fighting a fire in the cockpit and then they all died.
Only a right cnut would need to smoke on a plane. I'm a total nicotine addict but I can manage to man up for 15hrs without needing a smoke.

Plus the first one outside the airport tastes super strong :)

Calm down, no one is smoking fella. Try reading thread.
My ex recently got on a European flight which didn't make it as far as the runway before an alarm went off and they had to return to their gate. Someone had vaped in the toilet. They were found, their baggage located in the hold and both them and their luggage were expunged from the flight. For everyone else, there was an extra 3 hour delay!

OK that is handy to know. Though, I know some airlines sell them for in flight use but do not allow you to bring your own.
I've vaped loads on planes. Just be discreet and hold it in as much as possible.

Last flight I took, my ecig leaked everywhere. Might be something to do with the pressure.

I had something similar. You need to store it so the liquid is not over the wick and it's fine.
My ex recently got on a European flight which didn't make it as far as the runway before an alarm went off and they had to return to their gate. Someone had vaped in the toilet. They were found, their baggage located in the hold and both them and their luggage were expunged from the flight. For everyone else, there was an extra 3 hour delay!

Top tip: don't start vaping until after takeoff :cool:
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