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Slug identification weekend - only £50


No amount of cajolery...
Don't know if anyone's interested but there are two places (as far as I know) left for a 3 night slug identification course in Dorking run by the Field Studies Council. Just £50 for the whole weekend including food and accommodation included. I'll be going there too. Just thought I'd post it so they don't end up losing money etc

<unscrambled my password so I could reply to this> :oops:

This looks like a really fun weekend.

At £50 including food and accomodation I think they’ll lose less money the fewer people go. ;)

I can’t commit to that date at the moment for health reasons, but would be up for something equally barking next year if all goes well. :) :thumbs:
<unscrambled my password so I could reply to this> :oops:

This looks like a really fun weekend.

At £50 including food and accomodation I think they’ll lose less money the fewer people go. ;)

I can’t commit to that date at the moment for health reasons, but would be up for something equally barking next year if all goes well. :) :thumbs:
Assuming all slugs haven't been burnt to a crisp by then ..
Don't know if anyone's interested but there are two places (as far as I know) left for a 3 night slug identification course in Dorking run by the Field Studies Council. Just £50 for the whole weekend including food and accommodation included. I'll be going there too. Just thought I'd post it so they don't end up losing money etc

For real?
I mean I hope you have, er fun...

I fucking hate slugs. Am a bit phobic about them TBh. :D
For real?
I mean I hope you have, er fun...

I fucking hate slugs. Am a bit phobic about them TBh. :D

On the bright side, I’d be able to know what species they are when they invade my kitchen.
Which would help in deciding which fence to chuck them over in the hope theyostay there.

<wonders whether slugs are using kitchen as “jump gate” to warp into other gardens> :hmm:
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On the bright side, I’d be able to know what species they are when they invade my kitchen.
Which would help in deciding which fence to chuck them over in the hope theyostay there.

<wonders whether slugs are using kitchen as “jump gate” to warp into other gardens> :hmm:
We chuck them over the neighbours fence usually. Although I don't want to get thrown off the course :D
I'm tempted :D although I hope pickled slugs aren't so slimy and I want to know what those big holes are they get in the sides of their heads.

Do slugs have heads? I guess this course will tell all!
For real?
I mean I hope you have, er fun...

I fucking hate slugs. Am a bit phobic about them TBh. :D
I lived in a house for about 6 months that had indoor slugs leaving slimey slug trails all over the place. It was grim :( I never worked out how they got in and moved in the end :D

As for the slug ID weekend i think i'll pass but it sounds like something farmerbarleymow would be interested in :D
As for the slug ID weekend i think i'll pass but it sounds like something @farmerbarleymow would be interested in :D
I'm ambivalent about slugs tbh.

I've never forgotten the sordid and disgusting slug orgy the dirty little sods held in a back yard of a house I lived in a long time ago, at full moon. I went out to take the rubbish out and saw this bizarre mound of slugs in the centre of the concrete yard writhing all over each other - with obligatory snot trails all over the place.

Down with this sick filth. :mad:
Cats aren't interested in them either. I'm not sure if it's because they don't see something as prey that isn't moving very fast or simply know that they taste disgusting.
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