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Sierra Leone: Elections 2018


cavalcade of hubris
I have to admit I'd taken my eye off this one. But the fourth elections since the civil war are due to be held in Sierra Leone tomorrow:

Polling day in Sierra Leone tomorrow – APC fighting for survival

That's a very partisan account in the link. My perception of Prez Koroma - who isn't running this time - is that he's been all right as African presidents go. But he has his detractors as that story makes clear. I also heard that he'd tried to do something about corruption, but got such furious pushback from his own party that he was forced to drop that one.

It was a good bit of news the last time around, when there was no serious violence in the first post-war election held without external association. Let's see if they can do it a second time.

This is going to get interesting (but in a peaceful way, hopefully). The APC and SLPP are the Fianna Fail and Fine Gael of Sierra Leone - they hate each other even though there's not much ideological difference between them. The APC are based on the northern Temne people, the SLPP on the southern Mende - but there's always been groups that acted as the "swing constituencies" between the two. Looks like that's going to be even more crucial this time.
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