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Ship porn

Although I greatly appreciate the technology of "modern" lifeboats, I'm also a great fan of historic lifeboats.
From the early pulling ones (like William Riley) all the way to date, via the various sailing and motor designs.
It's a ship! Or a boat! (?)
It's got a face so i thought it very appropriate for the porn thread.
It's in Benares / Varanasi , where loads of boats have faces, but this one was also orange. I trust you're not trying to start a conversation about whether or not hindus are a bit like nazis etc. :)
It's a ship! Or a boat! (?)
It's got a face so i thought it very appropriate for the porn thread.
It's in Benares / Varanasi , where loads of boats have faces, but this one was also orange. I trust you're not trying to start a conversation about whether or not hindus are a bit like nazis etc. :)

No, I was just wondering what the fuck kind of boat it is... :D
me too. what a place. it feels crap even trying to make up a sentence about it. :)
Agreed :) Pretty much the most 'memorable' place I've ever been tbh

Anyway, here is a lovely ship, THV Galatea, the Trinity House Vessel that drops / moves / fixes buoys and markers, doing great service for UK shipping in general :thumbs:

superstructure of that looks like an escape / drop lifeboat from an oilrig or container ship - although the actual hull looks far more traditional in shape. And the "join" !!
I think it is somebody's home now, but what it was originally built for is probably whatever you just said. :)
Agreed :) Pretty much the most 'memorable' place I've ever been tbh

Anyway, here is a lovely ship, THV Galatea, the Trinity House Vessel that drops / moves / fixes buoys and markers, doing great service for UK shipping in general :thumbs:


I like her - was lucky enough to see her coming into Felixstowe whilst out on the "William Riley" in late 2014. We got a toot and a wave from them !
I like her - was lucky enough to see her coming into Felixstowe whilst out on the "William Riley" in late 2014. We got a toot and a wave from them !
She's usually pissing around in the Solent when Cowes Week and the Round The Island Race are on, she's a cool ship - pretty unique.

Oh, speaking of ships and Cowes Week, I'm reminded of this :eek::facepalm:


Skipper of the yacht was an RN Lt iirc, got hauled before court


Yacht skipper fined for Cowes Week collision with oil tanker
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ouch ! and oops !
lucky they didn't get dragged under.
but it serves them right for sailing with a pink jib / spinaker and playing chicken with something that takes a few miles to stop.
superstructure of that looks like an escape / drop lifeboat from an oilrig or container ship - although the actual hull looks far more traditional in shape. And the "join" !!
The hatches are heavy duty - must be an emergency thing like you said, definitely an offshore bit of kit (originally). Varanasi is a fucking long way up the Ganges from Dhaka - it probably came from there :eek:
Agreed :) Pretty much the most 'memorable' place I've ever been tbh

Anyway, here is a lovely ship, THV Galatea, the Trinity House Vessel that drops / moves / fixes buoys and markers, doing great service for UK shipping in general :thumbs:

I think these are my favorite type of ships. The ships that do things for other ships, or do things so that shipping can exist.
Looking at the photos of the old Liners, the design brief had to have had the line "and make it beautiful" something completely missing from todays briefs, which must include "make it look like a brick"

From what I remember, despite similarities in overall look, cruise ship design differs from liners in a number of important areas - The main one being the desire for the largest numbers of outward-facing cabins on cruise ships, which command the best prices but lend themselves to the big brick/seagoing flats look, whilst on liners, more inboard cabins and a traditional hull design, helped to keep the weight lower in the ship, so more manageable for ploughing at speed through heavy seas as opposed to pootling around in relatively shallow waters.

Old liners refitted for the cruising market often had the elegant lines of their superstructure totally ruined by the addition of ugly cabin blocks in order to make them more commercially attractive.
She's usually pissing around in the Solent when Cowes Week and the Round The Island Race are on, she's a cool ship - pretty unique.

Oh, speaking of ships and Cowes Week, I'm reminded of this :eek::facepalm:


Skipper of the yacht was an RN Lt iirc, got hauled before court


Yacht skipper fined for Cowes Week collision with oil tanker

Wilson was fined £2,000 for the offence of failing to keep a proper lookout and £500 for each of the two offences of impeding the passage of a vessel, and ordered to pay a £15 surcharge. The maximum penalty was £5,000 on each charge. He was ordered to pay the full costs of the prosecution, which totalled £100,056.68.
That's an expensive fuck-up, but 100 grand for a 5 day trial????? :hmm:

I went on this,the Reina del Mar, a few times when I was little.Southampton to Cape Town. I don't know why but we alwatys took the Reina del mar out and came back on a differnt ship, the Vaal. Something to do with P & O timetabling I guess

It seemed huge at the time but would look puny next to today's ships. I don't think of it as a cruise shoip as it actually went somewhere rather than just pootling about and ending up where it started
What idiot decided that a yacht race and a supertanker should be in the same place at the same time?
Well quite. The Guardian piece seems to say that the rules are to stay at least 1000 meters away from the front of the ship and 100 meters either side. If that's the case, loads of the boats in the video are breaking the rules.
Well quite. The Guardian piece seems to say that the rules are to stay at least 1000 meters away from the front of the ship and 100 meters either side. If that's the case, loads of the boats in the video are breaking the rules.

Normally anything under sail has priority over those under motor-power. Certain areas such as the Solent have similar things to bye-laws which override this rule.

Anyone who tries to exert their right in normal waters is also a fucking twat though, tbf.

I went on this,the Reina del Mar, a few times when I was little.Southampton to Cape Town. I don't know why but we alwatys took the Reina del mar out and came back on a differnt ship, the Vaal. Something to do with P & O timetabling I guess

It seemed huge at the time but would look puny next to today's ships. I don't think of it as a cruise shoip as it actually went somewhere rather than just pootling about and ending up where it started

My dad's in South Africa right now having gone down by Cunard, he'll be returning next month on P&O - costs slightly less than a round trip business class fare, except for the booze which is well over-priced.
No, I was just wondering what the fuck kind of boat it is... :D

Its an old-style offshore safety/survival boat.

Nearly all the rigs here moved over to bigger and more streamlined drop-boats after Piper Alpha and only a small percentage of the old boats met the new standards so for a long time they could be picked-up cheaply and many were sold as private craft or shipped-off for conversion to houseboats as they were very tough/low-maintenance and well insulated. Some landed-up in the most un-maritime places as sheds, camping lodges and the like.
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