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Ship porn

They do. But, for reasons I can but guess at, part of the plan is to get the main vessel back in the location, too.
I think its because you can see a much greater area from the bridge of a ship than from a cutter in the water. Normally someone should have the sole task of pointing at the person in the water but I imagine it's easy to lose sight and have to search.
I think its because you can see a much greater area from the bridge of a ship than from a cutter in the water. Normally someone should have the sole task of pointing at the person in the water but I imagine it's easy to lose sight and have to search.
Yeah. And this was the middle of the Atlantic, and not especially calm. They found him, although a crewman broke an arm in the process. He was turfed off the ship at our next stop.
Pogofish which yard did your faither work at, all my family including my Da were marine engineers working in the Greenock yards.
These are obviously boats rather than ships but I absolutely love these things , Galway hookers.


They're an old native design especially for rough seas . Over the last 30 years or so they've been revived and gotten really popular again . A lot of people do racing with them and stuff. And it's not a posho thing either . There's some great maritime festival stuff on the west coast based around them . I think they're beautiful to watch .


You can see from this vid how basic they are on board. But it's that old traditional style which makes them so popular . I could happily watch them all day . Beautiful things .

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These are obviously boats rather than ships but I absolutely love these things , Galway hookers.


They're an old native design especially for rough seas . Over the last 30 years or so they've been revived and gotten really popular again . A lot of people do racing with them and stuff. And it's not a posho thing either . There's some great maritime festival stuff on the west coast based around them . I think they're beautiful to watch .

Lovely little things. :cool: A lot of those sail-driven fishing boats were beautifully proportioned and fast, like that Brixham trawler I posted near the beginning of the thread.

Herewith another example, a herring lugger, this one the preserved Reaper:

Have we had the FLIP yet?

Although arguably it's just a very large, self-propelling buoy.

Wow, I remover reading about that in Look and Learn (including Speed and Power) when I was about nine. No idea it was still about. That's 50 emails getting answered late whilst I get on Google...
Pogofish which yard did your faither work at, all my family including my Da were marine engineers working in the Greenock yards.

You've started a right family ruction here! :eek: :D

I'm remembering that it was Ross and Marshall but my mother is adamant it was Scotts - who of course did buy at least part of R&M's operation in roughly the time he would have been there! - The answer is in his eulogy which she has filed away somewhere.

He didn't stay that long in shipbuilding- As soon as he had placated his father by serving his time, he decided to ditch his reserved occupation and joined-up, seeing action in the Far East in late WW2. On discharge, he had caught the travel bug, so went back to college and headed East again, working for a variety of employers. However, between the rest of the Stewarts and the closely related Nicols, we had numerous people in the yards up to the late 60s//70s
This thread is playing havoc with my enormous lottery winnings - from wanting and being quite happy with an aeroplane (Piaggio aero p180 avanti II "around" $6mil)

I've now substantially raised my needs to


Now quite why I'd need a VARD series 9 pollution control vessel, I'm not sure - and I don't think I'd get it kitted out for pollution control to be honest, but either this or the previously posted ocean going icebreaker tug would do my nicely - probably going to have to hand over the winning cheque (when it arrives) to Mrs Voltz
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