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Sexual assault compare and contrast


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Its interesting to watch how some sexual assaults are treated, while others appear to be ignored by the mainstream press and politicians. Lets look at the case of Tara Reade. She is a former aide to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. She claims that Biden kissed her and penetrated her with his fingers without her consent. ( She is one of 8 women who have come forward to make sexual assault or sexual harassment claims against Biden, the other 7 are Lucy Flores, Amy Lappos, D.J Hill, Caitlyn Caruso, Ally Coll, Sofie Karasek and Vail Kohnert-Yount). Where is the coverage from the mainstream media of these 8 women's story's?

Lets compare and contrast the above allegations with how similar allegations against Trump when he was a presidential candidate and Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to the Supreme Court were handled by the DNC, Democratic party elected politicians and others. I seem to remember blanket coverage in both the printed media and TV news reporting on Trump and Kavanaugh but I can find almost nothing on the 8 allegations against Biden.

In January this year, she approached Time’s Up, the anti-sexual violence organization established in the wake of the Me Too movement, to help her. It is alleged that Time’s Up told her they could not help because Biden was a candidate for federal office, and if they assisted her they could lose the organization’s nonprofit status.

The same media that relayed every unsubstantiated and tawdry rumor during the Kavanaugh confirmation, is treating Reade’s story quite differently. Why, we might ask, isn’t Reade receiving the same coverage as E. Jean Carroll, a woman who accused Donald Trump of assaulting her in 1995 or 1996 at a Bergdorf Goodman store in Manhattan? Virtually every major news organization let Carroll tell her story. Reade has been trying to tell hers for decades.

To understand how to proceed, the media has only to take the advice of Biden, who only two years ago argued that society had an obligation to presume that women who come forward with allegations of sexual assault should be believed irrespective of how flimsy that accusations may be: "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time" (Biden's own words).

Jeffrey Toobin, CNN’s chief legal analyst, noted that “40 percent of the Republican appointees to the Supreme Court have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct.” Using this standard, if Biden wins in November, we will be able to say that two of the last three Democrats in office have been “credibly accused of sexual misconduct.”
Its interesting to watch how some sexual assaults are treated, while others appear to be ignored by the mainstream press and politicians. Lets look at the case of Tara Reade. She is a former aide to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. She claims that Biden kissed her and penetrated her with his fingers without her consent. ( She is one of 8 women who have come forward to make sexual assault or sexual harassment claims against Biden, the other 7 are Lucy Flores, Amy Lappos, D.J Hill, Caitlyn Caruso, Ally Coll, Sofie Karasek and Vail Kohnert-Yount). Where is the coverage from the mainstream media of these 8 women's story's?

Lets compare and contrast the above allegations with how similar allegations against Trump when he was a presidential candidate and Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to the Supreme Court were handled by the DNC, Democratic party elected politicians and others. I seem to remember blanket coverage in both the printed media and TV news reporting on Trump and Kavanaugh but I can find almost nothing on the 8 allegations against Biden.

In January this year, she approached Time’s Up, the anti-sexual violence organization established in the wake of the Me Too movement, to help her. It is alleged that Time’s Up told her they could not help because Biden was a candidate for federal office, and if they assisted her they could lose the organization’s nonprofit status.

The same media that relayed every unsubstantiated and tawdry rumor during the Kavanaugh confirmation, is treating Reade’s story quite differently. Why, we might ask, isn’t Reade receiving the same coverage as E. Jean Carroll, a woman who accused Donald Trump of assaulting her in 1995 or 1996 at a Bergdorf Goodman store in Manhattan? Virtually every major news organization let Carroll tell her story. Reade has been trying to tell hers for decades.

To understand how to proceed, the media has only to take the advice of Biden, who only two years ago argued that society had an obligation to presume that women who come forward with allegations of sexual assault should be believed irrespective of how flimsy that accusations may be: "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time" (Biden's own words).

Jeffrey Toobin, CNN’s chief legal analyst, noted that “40 percent of the Republican appointees to the Supreme Court have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct.” Using this standard, if Biden wins in November, we will be able to say that two of the last three Democrats in office have been “credibly accused of sexual misconduct.”
The "powers that be" know the people, in general, have a tendency towards fairness and justice, in the moral sense as well as the legal system. For example, I can be ruthlessly judgmental but I almost always come down on the side for "evidence" and "facing your accused" most people strive, in their minds at least, for this. The MSM know this so they set the seed and push the narrative.
For example: many people held the view a certain Sir Cliff ALLEGEDLY connected to a particular sinister behaviour. He received the full force of the media and the police and government to clear his name. He does not even reside in UK. I know people who behaved extremely mad when anyone dared to say Sir Cliff did xxxxxxx. They had never met the guy? It was as if you accused their father.
The point is, we must stick hard and fast to the presentation of evidence and not innuendo. I dont care if viewing ratings go up or down.
Are politicians vile, lying careerists? YES. Thats enough for me.
The allegations are now being reported more widely in the mainstream media - it's not a good look for them to have waited until Bernie Sanders exited the race.

Biden finally addressed the allegations on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' on Friday, saying it "never, never happened" - I don't know what took him so long, maybe he was just hoping that if he ignored the allegations long enough they would go away for him like they do for Trump.

Reade says she'd also like some airtime to give her side of the story but everybody except Fox is ignoring her.

And yet, Ms. Reade told me Wednesday that the only offers she’s had to appear on television have come from Fox News, including a call from the prime time host Sean Hannity. She has so far turned them down. “I’ve been trying to just kind of wait to get someone in the middle,” she said in a phone interview. “I don’t want to be pigeonholed as a progressive, I don’t want to be pigeonholed as a Trump supporter.”

... They’re not offering to put me on TV — they’re just doing stories,” Ms. Reade told me. “No anchors, no nothing like that.” She’d most like to tell her story to a network television anchor she admires — CBS’s Gayle King is one, she said — but they haven’t called.

It’s so bloody obvious that Biden’s a wrongun. We’ve all seen his creepy touching of young girls in public. And what about the hair sniffing! 🤢 How they chose this guy over Sanders is just unfathomable.
Hmm, she has changed her story significantly several times. She said she submitted a report but there is no record of it. Her colleagues say she said nothing at the time, nor did she file a complaint - tho others (friends and family) have said she told them (although not till a lot later). Most of those other seven women have complained of being made 'uncomfortable' by Biden's 'inappropriate displays of affection' - which is clearly out of order, but falls short of being sexual assault.

All in all, it's a thin story, even without comparison to Trump's multiple rapes.
Oh for goodness' sake. It pisses me off so much that people are just ignoring and making excuses for this sleazeball.
Being a sleazeball doesn't make you guilty of rape, though. Going 'yeah, he must be cos he's a creep' doesn't really do anyone any good.
Being a sleazeball doesn't make you guilty of rape, though. Going 'yeah, he must be cos he's a creep' doesn't really do anyone any good.

Its the touching and groping of children in public that is the problem. His sniffing of their hair and whispering into their ears is the problem. It's not just that he's a generalised creep.
Its the touching and groping of children in public that is the problem. His sniffing of their hair and whispering into their ears is the problem. It's not just that he's a generalised creep.
So go at him for that. No need to add anything in, especially when it is so thin it would risk undermining the other accusations.
So go at him for that. No need to add anything in, especially when it is so thin it would risk undermining the other accusations.

No-one is going after him for it though. At least not the people that should be calling him out, i.e. the democratic party.
This thread will be one of the more quiet threads on here, btw. Make of that what you will.
Not for lack of concern, bit of a victim of sources and if its getting downplayed in US don't see much. Read an AP interview with the woman accusing him today.
No-one is going after him for it though. At least not the people that should be calling him out, i.e. the democratic party.

Noone will though; I mean it isn't as if he has burst onto the scene as a fresh-faced 80 year old out of nowhere that the party hasn't had the time to do due diligence on.

The man has been in front-line US politics for nearly fifty years, was VP for eight years and the media have abundant film evidence of him being a creep already. To say now that he is a sleazebag would be even less believable than when they (the media and the Dems) "discovered" what Weinstein was.

As for the Reade allegations, I did have my doubts (mainly over the difference with her statements last year, but also how much this stood out amongst a rather larger body of evidence of him inappropriately touching numerous women) though the way in which this has been reported - misleading reporting of her statements, denials of things that hadnt been said, the usual anonymous attacks, pictures of her as a young actress released etc etc - does share an awful lot of grim parallels with how victims (especially Weinstein's, and especially Ambra Gutierrez who is still rarely mentioned without accompanying bikini pictures) were attacked in the press.
Hotbed of support for the US democratic party here. Reckon it's a quiet thread cos nobody has any insight to offer tbf. All I can stretch to is that biden is obviously a cunt and probably a sex case
This thread will be one of the more quiet threads on here, btw. Make of that what you will.
If it is - that will probably be because of 1%er's obtuse thread title - than because of what the thread is actually about!

I would like to know more about Biden, I know next to nothing about him at the moment. But my desire to know isn't strong enough to spend time trawling US websites and TV stations I am afraid.

Where / when did you decide he was creepy?
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Not for lack of concern, bit of a victim of sources and if its getting downplayed in US don't see much. Read an AP interview with the woman accusing him today.
Hotbed of support for the US democratic party here. Reckon it's a quiet thread cos nobody has any insight to offer tbf. All I can stretch to is that biden is obviously a cunt and probably a sex case
If it is - that will probably be because of 1%er's obtuse thread title - than because of what the thread is actually about!

I would like to know more about Biden, I know next to nothing about him at the moment. But my desire to know isn't strong enough to spend time trawling US websites and TV stations I am afraid.

You're all right of course. I didn't mean to question the sincerity of my fellow urbs. So apologies if it came across that way.

Where / when did you decide he was creepy?

I saw a YouTube compilation video of his many dodgy interactions with young girls. All of these took place in public, and it baffles me as to why no-one knocked his lights out whilst they were happening.

Unfortunately the most comprehensive video I saw was put out by Paul fucking Joseph Watson, and all the videos from legacy media leave out the most egregious examples. I'll have more of a poke around YouTube to see if i can find the individual incidents recorded.
Denial is strong in the desperate. I crept away from a nominally left wing (well, liberal) US yarn forum after a spot of mild criticism of Biden (servile sex-pest). The immediate accusation of Trump shill was depressingly unanimous.
will look into it further

but ffs the american landscape atm we had coherent detail on trump and Kavanaugh

odd that this is around a election but fuck him if he did the accusations

unlike trump it might not lead to election success

will look into it further

but ffs the american landscape atm we had coherent detail on trump and Kavanaugh

odd that this is around a election but fuck him if he did the accusations

unlike trump it might not lead to election success

I think we can all agree that regardless of what, if any, skeletons lie in Biden’s closet, Trump has a closet all of his own.
at least in United Kingdom all we have only got to worry about the British public repeatably voting for a bullshiting troy arsehole

in american its pick between the sex offenders
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