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Self-indulgent pet thread

My new boy, Jacob....

I wants all these pets! This thread is also rife for Lolcat/dog/etc.ing, if I has the photoshop skillz.

I particularly want these two:

Saffy (nutcase!)

Our weekend house guest at mo!

They'd make a lovely pair - the older one teaching the younger one where to snaffle the food. Actually, it's Saffy I like most - I love grizzly, ruffly dogs.

*pet envy*
Kont showing (part of) the reason we keep kangals.


He's at my inlaws in this photo, which is why he is on a chain.

Kontes and Fin in a typical pose.

And some of ours: over Christmas both kittens decided at separate times to go climbing in the Christmas tree:



Their mother Florence was not amused and sat in the other room
Already have mate, it's too late for me now...

The zoo is definitely full now!
Maybe you can start charging admission?

Watch out if you start moving your legs around in bed to avoid disturbing sleeping cats at your feet - we know a couple who've said they do that now! :eek:
Their mother Florence was not amused and sat in the other room

i as tempted to adopt a kitten that looks exactly like your florence
but much hairier. lovely cat you have there

:oops: when finn sleeps on me i am quite careful not to disturb him but come on, look how at the sleepy cutie kitteny-ness :D
These have both been up before I think, but I can't resist showing them off!

This is Yuna, aka The Majestic Beast aka Boona Yeast:

Yuna is about 3 now, she's a happy little beast, always runs (read:slowly ambles) to the side of her viv to see me whe I walk by.

And this is Tessa:

She's nearly seven. Unfortunately I don't live with her anymore, she lives with my parents. I miss her like crazy, she's my best friend and we used to spend all day together when I wasn't at work.
My two again:



The grey one who keeps trying to sneak-in & ingratiate herself:


The feral kittens at work are now all rehomed:


Although we now have a manky old tabby tom with a limp who has taken-up residence but he is too flighty to get a decent pic. We need to get him caught soon so a vet can get a look at his leg. :(

Soppy great lump of cat. my legs are under the blanket though and he makes a great hot water bottle substitute
I used to refer to it as the catslut position, until my kids overheard me and started repeating it. Hearing your 4 year old running about the house calling for her favourite catslut is even less dignified.
I don't own one1 I just maketh the most of other peoples felines, usually.
I live wherest least 6 hang out. One is a ferral that has been tamed by a lady on ground level, she lives with he three others that are such Benny, my next door neighbour, tortoise pussy. The remading 4? live within, dont get me going on cats! I just need to borrow one.... ;) weow
My cat has been sitting on the kitchen table as I drank my coffee hoping to spirit away a lychee from the fruit bowl so that it can bat it up and down the floor in a frenzy. I had to fashion a carrier-bag mouse (twist carrier-bag from base to handles, then make several tight knots leaving handles as tail) which he is now skittering up and down the corridor. I especially love the way he looks the other way as he hits it with his paw in an effort to pretend it's actually moving without any assistance from him at all.
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