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Secret life of the national grid

Yes me. Watched it last week too and found it very interesting. It's covering the beginings of alternative energy now. good program
Yes, what I saw was interesting - about the power workers' & miners' strike in the 70s, how they happened and why, and the bringing down of the Heath government.

I can vaguely remember that, and it's embarrassing how old the footage looks!!
Looks like all 3 programmes are being repeated 15th/16th/17th Nov @ 11.20PM (also available on UKNova, or use get_iplayer).

Interesting as much for what wasn't said... nice to see Catherine Mitchell in there - even if it was just for 30 seconds (no Goran Strbac, tho. :( )

The biggest omission (IMO) being the lack of investment since privatisation... a huge amount of the existing infrastructure is coming to the end of it's life over the next decade or so (as Prof. Mitchell hints) and is somewhat unsuited to distributed renewable generation (being what Strbac terms 'coal by wire').

I'd have liked to have seen a 4th episode looking at the future, particularly the challenges involved in incorporating episodic generation (wind, PV) into the existing infrastructure, how 'smart metering' and dynamic load management might develop, etc.

No mention either of where the money to pay for the (somewhat smug*) farmer's turbine is coming from - FiT payments, funded disproportionally by the poorer energy consumers.

(*BTW that's 'kilowatt hours', you wanker. And your Mother-in-Law is clearly a terrorist).

Good choice of final words... the old boy talking about the loss of the grid - "I'd prefer not to think about it" - indicative of the prevailing attitude.
I loved the bit with the 3 spods in shirts and ties watching for soap opera credits to roll then doing the whole Star Trek command room thing flicking switches and sternly reciting things like "Cottam online 400MW" with the EastEnders theme tune playing in the background.
The old CEGB did some impressive things, but at the same time some absolutely bonkers things, like going for the over-complex AGR nuclear power stations while the rest of the world chose simpler and cheaper options.

It kind of reminds me of Concorde in the sense that it was cool, but it only worked when someone else had written a blank cheque and said "make the most over the top piece of technology that you can".

The UK are going to have to build a bunch of new power stations of some kind pretty damn soon, even if upsets the environmental lobby.

Otherwise one day we will wake up in the cold and the dark on a cold, misty winter's day when it's not windy, and our 100,000 windmills won't be going round, and it won't be sunny either.

Just watched the first one. Fab.

Philip Glenister narrating, no less. :)

Documentaries like this only reinforce my view that the Beeb is a treasure.
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