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If in any chance it happens to be in hertfordshire, someone give me a call too :D

(failing that, a number or 2 wouldn't go a miss just incase I feel adventurous.)
Far too central London. Big police station just around the corner too. :facepalm:

Not a great day for the free party scene. There's no alternative for young ravers exactly ? Who wants to go to a club and be treated like you're in prison. The huge all day party at Tobacco Dock cost £42 :eek: to get into.
I went to a rave in an arch next to cop garage a few years back. Cops left us alone. I suspect they didn't want "rave set up next to cops' headlines.
Far far far. The big one at the central sorting office a few years ago was amazing, but there's precious few venues like that.

That one in Holborn is why the thugs in helmets come out for revenge every time to Scumoween. They made a pigs ear of policing it causing utter chaos in surrounding streets and the party went on much longer than it would have if they had just ignored it.
My how times have moved
In ye olden days, Underground Raves were just that, kinda of "underground" in that the organisers could keep the venue secret till the last minute, keep the rozzers in the dark etc..
Now its up on FatBuck:facepalm::facepalm:
Set up to fail
Far too central London. Big police station just around the corner too. :facepalm:

Not a great day for the free party scene. There's no alternative for young ravers exactly ? Who wants to go to a club and be treated like you're in prison. The huge all day party at Tobacco Dock cost £42 :eek: to get into.
There's quite a few semi-legal places that don't feel like prisons.
They at least have fire regulations. I won't go to squats anymore cos of this (and the shit music).
My how times have moved
In ye olden days, Underground Raves were just that, kinda of "underground" in that the organisers could keep the venue secret till the last minute, keep the rozzers in the dark etc..
Now its up on FatBuck:facepalm::facepalm:
Set up to fail

what olden days are you talking about? First Scumtek was over ten years ago, Tolworth teknival in 2000, Castlemorton was advertised on the BBC ffs back in 1992.

Old man doesn't understand so sneers shocker :p
what olden days are you talking about? First Scumtek was over ten years ago, Tolworth teknival in 2000, Castlemorton was advertised on the BBC ffs back in 1992.

Old man doesn't understand so sneers shocker :p
Think you'll find the Beeb covered Castle Morton only after it had been running for a day or so and already had critical mass
"ten years ago" - this is ancient history to you?
Over the 25 years or so that big illegal raves have been run you find 3 not particularly apt examples when thousands have gone off without difficulty?
Old or otherwise, I have always found it easy to "sneer" as you call it, at ineptitude
I find your posting almost exclusively falls into this category
Hows the leafy thameside belt dear boy?
BBC were reporting on the Avon Free Festival from Friday lunchtime. So you are wrong on that.

Scumtek people do a lot of the regular small parties, Scumtek is supposed to be a big, in your face event, concept born at Tolworth. So you are wrong about that too.

And I live nowhere near the Thames. Just another thing about which you are wrong.

At least you are consistent.
Every weekend a rave happens unreported in London. Most of the London techno parties pass without mention, occasionally they do get a bit of press and a load of old heads go 'it wasn't like this in my day, all those young people shouting at the police' ignoring the other 50 odd weeks of the year


It was.

Facebook is full of it today.
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