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Scumoween squat party, London

From the Daily Mail article:

"Police desperately battled to calm the party"

I'm struggling to get my head round the above phrase.

You gotta FIGHT!
For your RIGHT!
to Pa.... No hang on...

If this was next weekend, I'd probably be up to my neck in squat juice right now, but instead can only nod appreciatively from the sidelines.
Went down for a couple of hours in the morning. Seemed to have the best vibe I've seen at a London squat for a while. Spoke to quite a few people whose first rave it was.

Didn't even see all the rigs as there was a basement that I didn't realise was there. :)
These are the top-rated comments on the DM. Quite heartening; really. I guess a lot of Daily Mail readers were ravers 20 years ago:

No fights? No drugs on sale? What sort of squat party was it? :hmm:
I went to a Malfaiteurs last year where there were absolutely no drugs on sale whatsoever (balloons don't count). It was most puzzling.
From talking to people down there it sounds like the original police plan didn't exist, four passing plod decided to shut it down, got out of their depth and called in urgent assistance, which came in batons drawn and shields up. Shit -> fan.
Ah, that old story, was there anyone there to talk responsibly/sensibly to the 4 original plods?
There has been many cases where a drunk idiot precipitated this type of situation by being aggressive verbally &/or physically.
Not saying this was the case here, just wondering.
Went down for a couple of hours in the morning. Seemed to have the best vibe I've seen at a London squat for a while. Spoke to quite a few people whose first rave it was.

Didn't even see all the rigs as there was a basement that I didn't realise was there. :)

The basement in that building is a great space as that's where the mail vans would have driven down. You can't really hear the music outside from there.
I went to at least two parties in that building maybe eight or nine years ago.
Ah, that old story, was there anyone there to talk responsibly/sensibly to the 4 original plods?
At the building certainly, but I don't know if the plod got that far.

"The place looked like a proper battle zone when we took over. Just been relieved after 5 hours now on standby for God knows how long. From the people coming out I actually think the top brass made the right decision to not clear the warehouse and let it continue – 4,000 people over 5 floors it would have been a bloodbath as they would absolutely fight for it. Not good for the papers but the clearance would have been interesting though."

"I feel sorry for the EK officers who were first on scene, a suspects on premises turned into a full blown clusterf**k with urgent assistance and Commissioner’s Reserve being beaten back. Even with force mobilisation we would have had a problem clearing it, it would have been brilliant but messy, and no good news would come out of it. Back to the days of mass raves now, they’ve tried and won, and we’re now screwed."

from Inspector Gadget's blog Riot Police in Holborn – The Raveonettes.
EK officers? Is that in the same sense as PC Alan Palfrey from FIT is EK127?
Yes, party was Camden borough which is EK. Palfrey's only part-time FIT, rest of the time he's a Camden cop. Full time FIT numbers start with CO, as they are part of Central Operations.

(For non-Londoners: Camden borough is much bigger than Camden Town. For police pedants: end with not start.)
Im not even sure what that story is putting across?

Its the most shit bit of writing I've read in a long time.

"Raves are illegal"...... no squat parties and free parties are illegal. at least do some fucking basic research before writing your shitty article :facepalm:
Im not even sure what that story is putting across?

Its the most shit bit of writing I've read in a long time.

"Raves are illegal"...... no squat parties and free parties are illegal. at least do some fucking basic research before writing your shitty article :facepalm:

point of order - they are not illegal unless deemed so by high ranking officer at scene
done and been to many legal illegal rave ;)

anyone know if all the kit and crews get out ok?
point of order - they are not illegal unless deemed so by high ranking officer at scene
done and been to many legal illegal rave ;)

anyone know if all the kit and crews get out ok?

Surely a rave in a licensed venue, i.e. SE1, Hidden, The arches, or back in the day bagley's etc arent illegal? The guy in the article makes it sound like they are illegal by definition.....
Yes...are the rigs safe? :(

Decided not to go after it got pigged so I thought 'that's that then, idiots raving so central', then lots of texts form Dan U but I was drinking vodka and cokes in a nice warm flat and quite shitfaced by then! :D

Quite pleased I didn't go as I don't fancy my face all over the Daily Mail :oops:

I hope this does mean a resurgence!! :cool:

Well...licensed venues, and warehouses/empty buidlings are quite different sim! :D As well as the CJA which says any more than 4 people together is an 'illegal gathering' or whatever bollox it is.
Well...licensed venues, and warehouses/empty buidlings are quite different sim! :D As well as the CJA which says any more than 4 people together is an 'illegal gathering' or whatever bollox it is.

Im well aware of that, but a rave is a rave regardless of where its held no? If i go to bangface i still say 'Im going raving' just as a would say 'Im going raving' on my way to a free party......

So in the article saying raving is illegal, whoever wrote it doesnt differentiate between a legal and illegal rave, it just says raves are illegal.

Am i being anal? Probably.
Im well aware of that, but a rave is a rave regardless of where its held no? If i go to bangface i still say 'Im going raving' just as a would say 'Im going raving' on my way to a free party......

So in the article saying raving is illegal, whoever wrote it doesnt differentiate between a legal and illegal rave, it just says raves are illegal.

Am i being anal? Probably.

Well I think what you're saying is a matter of opinion. :D

I always equate 'going to a rave' as a 'proper' rave not an imitaion ;)
Well I think what you're saying is a matter of opinion. :D

I always equate 'going to a rave' as a 'proper' rave not an imitaion ;)

I wouldnt have said going to a licensed rave is an imitation of a squat party..... In some cases much the opposite, some squat parties are fucking horrible.
A rank old food warehouse in Wembley springs to mind :( Much prefer that to a licensed 'rave' though!

Ive been to some fucking ace licensed 'raves'

A licensed rave is not a rave by definition!! :D

But a rave isnt 'illegal' by definition either!! :D The whole point of it being illegal means that its considered as a 'party' hence the term squat party or free party

The birth of the rave scene happened at places like the hacienda no? Which was a licensed venue....... (although some people would argue that 'raves' first arrived out of the beatniks.

Im well aware I'm being well anal, but I do feel people throw incorrect terms around, and dont think about what they write all too often...... and that article was a prime example :)
But a rave isnt 'illegal' by definition either!! :D

Ermm what are you arguing about?! I wouldn't call a night in a club a rave, end of :confused: You might, I guess that's your shout! :D

Legality doesn't come into it, free parties innit. :)
Ermm what are you arguing about?! I wouldn't call a night in a club a rave, end of :confused: You might, I guess that's your shout! :D

Legality doesn't come into it, free parties innit. :)

Im just arguing because I thought you were....... :D

On which note I shall start expecting my tekno in warehouse accompanied by jelly & ice cream, pass the parcel and rubbish clown.
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