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Scumoween squat party, London

Text from person currently in party just said 'it's epic' which sounds like a promising review :)

Lol so it's still going on? Any idea if people have been able to get in?

From the news reports I got the impression they'd locked the area down and hadn't been letting anyone get in since about 12 hours ago.
In between squat parties, the old sorting office is occasionally rented out for private events. I believe it was used for a massive and very posh party for the launch of the new Louis Vuitton shop in Mayfair.

But I really can't understand why it hasn't been sold off and knocked down..
We've done it twice before in there, grotty as fuck it is. But never had any trouble.

My rig's still trapped inside :(
Sorry to hear that - I didn't make it in the end, but I did wonder about the chances of getting away with such a central site... I assumed they'd all be policed to hell, but maybe yesterday being such a high-profile night (Halloween and all) they decided to come down on it?
Bloody hell! That takes some balls.
Shame about the aggro with the cops, that can't have been any fun in the thick of it. We wished people well on to this last night, hope you're still having fun :D
Last time we did that building we were in the basement and stayed until Monday morning with no OB interfering at all. This was about 6 years ago mind.
Great building to explore, great views. Fat party

BS - hope it gets out ok. I asked for you earlier as well!
But I really can't understand why it hasn't been sold off and knocked down..

I think it's fugly but wonder whether it's conservation/planning related. Mind you, if you're a developer who couldn't find money to build a new mixed office/retail in central London a few metres off Oxford St five years ago, surely you should choose another career? I can understand if they ran out of money halfway...
Great building to explore, great views. Fat party

BS - hope it gets out ok. I asked for you earlier as well!

It is a cracking building, purpose built for tekno :)

But personal shit meant I couldn't go, shame to have missed you.
Lol so it's still going on? Any idea if people have been able to get in?

From the news reports I got the impression they'd locked the area down and hadn't been letting anyone get in since about 12 hours ago.
They locked down then opened up. Only 20 cops there now, 2 rigs still audible from outside.
It's actually a relatively even-handed article for the Mail, in terms of giving voice to the partygoers/organisers.
It's actually a relatively even-handed article for the Mail, in terms of giving voice to the partygoers/organisers.

I thought this too. Sounds not just even-handed but seemingly quite accurate too, at least from experience of past central London parties.
Oh my god, do the organisers know their dance night's being twisted into a way for youths to take drugs? :eek:
Just as I thought:


Some people may be flattered to be described as 'youths' :D


Damn, I've been sucked into reading all the comments!

This one went a different way than the first sentence made me expect:

"I used to go to Exodus illegal raves in Bedfordshire back in the 1990's and other ilegal rave parties put on by other promoters. They have always been drug dealing scams and always will be. the people who run illegal raves are pure evil. I turned my back on the illegal rave scene years ago because of the fact that the promoters exploit the young people who attend runthlessly all they want to do is make fast cash on drug dealing and the number of people I used to go to illegal raves with who have ruined their lives through drugs is about 50% . They ruin their lives through damage to thier mental health and criminal aquiring convictions the result being unemployable.

- M Bartram, Bedford, 31/10/2010 12:35"
Arse arse arse arse arse arse arse :mad:

There are not arses enough in the world to express how fucked off I am that I didn't just go down there instead of staying away as I heard it was shut down!


(When I went by about an hour ago on my way home, the police were just opening the road up again and the last people were out of the building, I think. Hope all the rigs were too.)
Looks like the original police plan did not work, so here is hoping the rigs get back home safely.
From talking to people down there it sounds like the original police plan didn't exist, four passing plod decided to shut it down, got out of their depth and called in urgent assistance, which came in batons drawn and shields up. Shit -> fan.
From talking to people down there it sounds like the original police plan didn't exist, four passing plod decided to shut it down, got out of their depth and called in urgent assistance, which came in batons drawn and shields up. Shit -> fan.

Then with the roads shut central London ground to a halt. The only option OB had was to let the party go ahead. :cool:
Looked wicked - and here I am stuck in the middle of the sticks atm :mad:

This comment on the Fail website cracked me up...

Are you watching, World?

This is what my country has sunk to ..... and the youngsters think it's funny and OK! No wonder they have no future. They'll just steal what they want .... and you're coming to the Olympics! Steal! ..... let themm try it with me!
- hilary, preston, 31/10/2010 14:11
From the Fail...

A number of officers were injured when bottles were hurled during clashes with a crowd of up to 500 youths at an abandoned former post office in central London.

And then after the picture....

Witnesses said outnumbered officer were forced to retreat as more than 600 baying ravers emerged from the building and rounded on officers.

They're breeding in there :eek:

One officer said: 'We're hoping people will get tired and go home.'

From the Daily Mail article:

"Police desperately battled to calm the party"

I'm struggling to get my head round the above phrase.
popped in about midday as I was parsing on my bike , great bass warp from the walls on Shaftesbury avenue, didn't stay long. It was kind of winding down but the 2 rigs were playing wikid tunes. Whatever is said it's still dumb to do such a big party there with so many knowing it's on.
It's actually a relatively even-handed article for the Mail, in terms of giving voice to the partygoers/organisers.

agreed, and with supportive comments below ....love the idea of tourists turning up in the morning to have look, one of them saying they fancied joining in....along with the Vodafone occupations yesterday, it's been a good little weekend....
I was going to say, I'm not too familiar with how these things work normally, but if this is correct
Ok - the sign says....

surely it drastically underestimates the police's ability to use a phone :confused:

Although if it was just four PCs happening upon it, that's almost weirder.
I am really fucking pleased with myself because I directed a load of 'young people' there last night on the nightbus home - I was wondering where they were going :oops: I hope they are still there :cool:
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