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Say hello to Barratt Homes' 'Brixton Square' on Coldharbour Lane (old Cooltan site)

Unfortunately my hub is more like this.

I just put an article about this (not your hub though) on the Brixton Society website. Wonder if the BS Chair will consider it too subversive? Meanwhile I'm off to Town Planning sub committee - there are moves afoot to do something nasty to the ex-St Mungos homeless hostel in Kenwyn Street and I am supporting an angry resident (or would that be "inmate")
Could they try any harder? As if the new glossy black walls and flags they put up weren't enough of give away.

I wonder if they're going to construct a private walkway to the arcade so the tenants don't have to leave their comfort zone but can still feel hip

Too plebian.

Chauffeur service too and from the Square, innit? ;)
I just put an article about this (not your hub though) on the Brixton Society website. Wonder if the BS Chair will consider it too subversive? Meanwhile I'm off to Town Planning sub committee - there are moves afoot to do something nasty to the ex-St Mungos homeless hostel in Kenwyn Street and I am supporting an angry resident (or would that be "inmate")

Perhaps we need to form a "Provisional Brixton Society"? :)
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I just put an article about this (not your hub though) on the Brixton Society website. Wonder if the BS Chair will consider it too subversive? Meanwhile I'm off to Town Planning sub committee - there are moves afoot to do something nasty to the ex-St Mungos homeless hostel in Kenwyn Street and I am supporting an angry resident (or would that be "inmate")
For completeness I thought I would report back on the planning meeting last night. The two items I heard were 1. Student accommodation complex in Vauxhall Walk - no objectors from the public. Councillor Palmer disliked the scheme intensely from an aesthetic point of view (looks like Dungerness B!). The councillors made the provision for accessible units be increased from 8% to 10% Cllr Steve Bradley made some interesting points on this. Cllr Jennifer Braithwaite was concerned about the number of habitable rooms with less than adequate light (2). The legal officer said that would be no excuse for turning the proposal down. Passed with 1 against (Palmer) and 1 abstention (Bradley).
2. Fairholme - privately owned homeless hostel in Kenywn Street SE5 (side street near "Norris Bedding"). Application for increase number of rooms by 27 by adding an extra floor on top of existing building. Two neighbouring residents were objecting - nuisance from existing "inmates" more than enough - especially with Kids Company in the same street as well.
My friend (JH) - a homeless resident of the hostel was refused permission to speak as he had not notified the committee clerk before 12 noon the previous day (this was true he notified them at 4pm). JH would have raised the issue of what was happening to the residents whilst the works were done - but in fact one of the councillors (Bradley I think) did ask that question - and the applicant's architect did not know.
The other point brought out by the objectors, and greatly argued about by the councillors was whether a former old peoples home - class 2 - albeit for elderly alcoholics - could be considered to be the same use class as the current hostel (SUI GENERIS). The legal officer repeated at least four times in different ways that the councillors would have to pass it because there was no material change of use.
My friend JH a least had the satisfaction of giving the architect a good ear-bending after the meeting, so he at least was reasonably happy.
We've been hubbed.
So from 1-4 bed rooms they have nicely gone to 1 and 2's only, (who wants larger families around Brixton) so they are selling furnished (bespoke)? on the cool tan site.. I think I need to stop reading these posts, it's getting more and more depressing,,
Personally I will always associate that stretch of CHL as the spot where I was walking home one night from the Albert with eme and I nearly trod on a dead rat.
For me it would be squat partying at the Cool Tan (and having loads of fun) and then having massive arguments when they started using bouncers and tried to charge (I think £3), which seemed like a £25 today at the time. and then all the arty farties moved in..
Have to say that I was asked to pay to get into Cooltan, although considering the amount of people that were going there at the end, you can understand why bouncers became necessary on the big nights.

The entrance fee almost always went to campaign groups anyway.
yea, at the end it was madness.. might have gone to campaign groups, but then it just seemed as if they were cashing in on the place getting popular, (normal market economics, I know), not blaming them for trying, but we were not putting up with that after a long time of free meet up, listen to music and bring a drink
didn't i suggest that the other day?

The Provision Wing Of The Brixton Preservation Society.

Are they the ones who bake the cakes and make the sandwiches, then? :D

If you suggested it the other day, then good suggestion!! Perhaps we could even force the Brixton Society "as is" to split into a Continuity Brixton Society and a Real Brixton Society? :)
Are they the ones who bake the cakes and make the sandwiches, then? :D

If you suggested it the other day, then good suggestion!! Perhaps we could even force the Brixton Society "as is" to split into a Continuity Brixton Society and a Real Brixton Society? :)

No 'provisional'?
Are they the ones who bake the cakes and make the sandwiches, then? :D

If you suggested it the other day, then good suggestion!! Perhaps we could even force the Brixton Society "as is" to split into a Continuity Brixton Society and a Real Brixton Society? :)

you could spray FREE BRIXTON all over the shop like the FREE KERNOW folk down in the SW

although STOP CALLING IT BRICKERS might be more apt
yea, at the end it was madness.. might have gone to campaign groups, but then it just seemed as if they were cashing in on the place getting popular, (normal market economics, I know), not blaming them for trying, but we were not putting up with that after a long time of free meet up, listen to music and bring a drink

Interesting to hear that even the original Cooltan wasn't immune from the forces of gentrification.
They've made Coldharbour Lane sound like a Mediterranean village:
Brixton Village, a new culinary and cultural hub full of buzzing cafes, restaurants and bars is located adjacent to Brixton Square. Enjoy an evening drink and dinner or just relax on a Sunday morning with fresh coffee and the papers.
...both Brockwell Park and Clapham Common are nearby offering acres of green space to either relax and unwind or enjoy a run. Dulwich Village and Park are also within easy reach offering plenty of shops, restaurants, cafes and green open spaces to enjoy.
Interesting to hear that even the original Cooltan wasn't immune from the forces of gentrification.
I don't think it even came close to 'gentrifying' at any point, ever (unless he's referring to the bunch that briefly resquatted the place).
Interesting to hear that even the original Cooltan wasn't immune from the forces of gentrification.

In a way, places like Cooltan drew gentrification, insofar as lifestylers tend to follow in the wake of the artist community. Same shit happened in east London, same shit even happened in St. Ives 80-odd years ago!
In a way, places like Cooltan drew gentrification, insofar as lifestylers tend to follow in the wake of the artist community. Same shit happened in east London, same shit even happened in St. Ives 80-odd years ago!
They sure took their time over it. The original Cooltan closed in 1998.
No, even bricking nu-Brixtonites is more "edgy" than calling it "Brickers", ffs! :facepalm:

I was joking VP!

I've just found a Facebook page (Handpicked Brixton), where they're discussing whether they should be called Brixtonites, Brixtonians and other stuff.

One poster looks suspiciously like a poster from on here and states: Trendy Newcomer Twats :D

Another says "I alternate between saying 'Brixtoner' or 'Brixtonite'. I used to say Bricks or Brixsters"
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