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Runner bean slicer. Do you use one?


Well-Known Member
I had never seen or heard of these until I met my husbands family, now I always use one. No-one else I know apart from my ma-in-law uses or has seen or heard of them either. They’re little hand held things with a few parallel blades that you insert the bean into and pull through.
Mine looks like this
I don’t think I’ve ever cooked runner beans. My dad used to grow them latterly when my folks lived in their old house
Love runner beans. They are a bit difficult to grow here in South Portugal as the flowers don't set well in the heat and they are thirsty plants. My mum had a runner bean slicer but it was round with a handle and you pushed the bean into the spinning blades.
I am always amazed by the amount of gadgets that can sold to clog up a kitchen. Never taken more than 10 minutes to deal with runner beans with a decent knife and that was a lit of runner beans
I just cut the stalk end off and then pull the stringy bit down the side off (or cut a small sliver from the side with a knife if the pod is older and tougher and the stringy bit won't come off easily) and then slice it with a knife.

If I had a gadget for everything I wouldn't have room to store any actual food :D
I just cut the stalk end off and then pull the stringy bit down the side off (or cut a small sliver from the side with a knife if the pod is older and tougher and the stringy bit won't come off easily) and then slice it with a knife.

If I had a gadget for everything I wouldn't have room to store any actual food :D
Same as. Though finding the string less breand they have in the supermarket a bit of a boon
Why would you want to fuck up your beans by cutting them like that? :confused:
It really doesn’t fuck them up at all, and is especially useful towards the end of the season when they’re really long or a bit fibrous; I love runner beans and love them even more since I don’t have to slice them by hand.
I have a runner bean slicer, but it doesn't look like that. I only use it if the beans are a bit old and stringy.

Mine looks like this one.

One of those was what ma, granny and aunt in law all had, and I used to have, but I prefer using the type I have now. I think I’m so used to using it that I see runner beans as being something that i served spaghetti’ed
If I had a gadget for everything I wouldn't have room to store any actual food :D

Most of mine double up E.g. I don’t need a steamer - just use a saucepan, colander and pan lid (works for veg, rice, bau buns, etc.).
Mrs SFM’s ex-boss was a sucker for gadgets. She was really pleased about her “Soup Maker” to which Mrs SFM remarked “You mean a saucepan and a hand blender?”
Best single use gadget I bought recently was a boiled egg shell cracker - removes a perfect dome of shell every time and it makes a very pleasant chime in the process.
Most of mine double up E.g. I don’t need a steamer - just use a saucepan, colander and pan lid (works for veg, rice, bau buns, etc.).
Mrs SFM’s ex-boss was a sucker for gadgets. She was really pleased about her “Soup Maker” to which Mrs SFM remarked “You mean a saucepan and a hand blender?”
Best single use gadget I bought recently was a boiled egg shell cracker - removes a perfect dome of shell every time and it makes a very pleasant chime in the process.
Post up a photo/details of the egg shell cracker please
I love runner beans. Raw or cooked.
I'll trim the strings off if they're a bit older than optimum, and slice them diagonally "against the grain" using a small but very sharp knife. I was taught that method by my Great Aunt [who was "in service" as a cook-housekeeper] and to cook only for a few minutes, to the tender side of al dente ...
I have a runner bean slicer, but it doesn't look like that. I only use it if the beans are a bit old and stringy.

Mine looks like this one.

I always heard these referred to as runner bean stringers, when it actually meant de-stringer I suppose. I've never knowingly had one as they feel too middle class a device for me to posess. Same with the egg cracker (back of a spoon?) and the egg topper (knife & thumb?).

I thought the whole and only point of this activity was to take as much of the stringy bits out, rather than chopping them up.
Surely it'd be easier to just use a knife and chop 20 at a time :confused: y'know, like normals do :D
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Urban loves a good boiled egg device.
Black Halo recommended an Eggs Perfect in 2014. I was skeptical, but it was £1.25 so went for it. Absolutely the best £1.25 I've ever spent. Mine broke recently and I've not had a boiled egg since. I guess that's the downside - I've lost confidence in my non-gadget egg-boiling ability.

I'm going to buy another right now, actually. Wonder what inflation has done to the price in the 9 years since 🤔
I'm convinced things like these must be bought by people with kitchen knives that aren't sharp enough.
I always heard these referred to as runner bean stringers, when it actually meant de-stringer I suppose. I've never knowingly had one as they feel too middle class a device for me to posess. Same with the egg cracker (back of a spoon?) and the egg topper (knife & thumb?).

I thought the whole and only point of this activity was to take as much of the stringy bits out, rather than chopping them up.
Surely it'd be easier to just use a knife and chop 20 at a time :confused: y'know, like normals do :D
Yes that’s fine if you’re chopping them across the grain into short lengths, but the slicer thingy gives you long strands of bean spaghetti
Urban loves a good boiled egg device.
I've got one of these - it's brilliant.

swan egg steamer
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