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Rude books you thumbed through as a kid

One book that had a sexy intriguing cover was one of Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius novels. Now this one didn't disappointe, but all I remember is the sentence 'Jerry's semen entered her anus like liquid mercury'.

in what sense like mercury?

eta ... aha i see this has been done by someone even more pedantic than me.

...remember naively flipping through this in a secluded corner of a bookshop once ....that was another off-putting experience ...its no wonder I turned out funny...

This was found in a suitcase of old paperbacks we had in the attic, only to disappear within 24 hours.

Also this:


The Catch-22 of modern medicine, pages upon pages about how hard doctors lives are, how absurd hospital bureaucracies are, how annoying patients are, interspersed with frequent eruptions of bare-bodied pornography.
After I saw the film Logan's Run in my teens I read the novel. Very different and lots of very explicit sex in it. It did predict Viagra as Logan gets forced to have lots of the futuristic version of it by a bunch of Amazonian biker chicks who then gang rape him.

My dad also had an anthology of pornographic comics. I still remember what happens to Popeye in that version when he eats spinach.
Forever by Judy Blume (12)

Scruples by Judith Krantz (13)

The Joy of Sex (16)

The Nancy Friday books about sexual fantasies. (18)

My sister is 7 years older than me, so most of those were nicked from her shelves.
I had easy access to my Dad's paperbacks from an early age and he didn;t seem to care and my mum didn't seem to know what was contained within.

Mostly they were just sweary rather than anything but a few had quite graphic sex scenes. Oddly enough, the rudest one I can remember was the novel of Jaws which i read from cover to cover when i was about 10, after i was supposed to be asleep!
Joy of sex for me... Beards.... Sauces and pickles etc

My dad had JoS in a bookcase in our front room which used to cause me no end of embarrassment in my early teens. I kept turning it round so it's spine couldn't be read when it was on the shelf because I thought everyone would consider it to be wank material. Which is what I used it for.

He also had one called The Perfumed Garden which was pretty good but didn't have any pictures.
why are you ? ? as it says as the top
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there were no results for a search for "jerry's semen entered her anus like liquid mercury". which would be a very strange sentence anyway because mercury under most human conditions is of course liquid. i think your sentence is sadly the product of your own imagination.

I know. I tried to find it too, to no avail.
in what sense like mercury?

eta ... aha i see this has been done by someone even more pedantic than me.
I found it! It was liquid steel. Probably remembered it as mercury cos it's a liquid:
Byzantium Endures"anus,+like+liquid+steel"&source=bl&ots=Ej1Lk_kUOL&sig=Dao0wNgKxzAwO6AMD5Ga5p_XWDw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr5tWqiYzMAhWJ0hoKHROpCrMQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=%22anus%2C%20like%20liquid%20steel%22&f=false
Princess Daisy by Judith Krantz
Lace by Shirley Conran

One of them had a sex scene involving goldfish, I seem to recall. :hmm:
When I was little I was in a book shop and ran up to my parents holding the book I wanted them to buy for me - a "pop-up Kama Sutra" book. My mother went very red in the face and gave me a telling off, I cried (I didn't know what I had done wrong - seriously, I was about 4 years old), and my father hid.
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I think we only had about 15-20 books in the house as a kid, so it was interesting to find the dirty bits in this 1970s *cough* classic:

I'm presuming my Dad only bought it for the dirty bits.
My mother had Mantissa by John Fowles which I read with a mixture of confusion and delight when I was thirteen.
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