Slouching towards Billingham
In Labour's spectrum of the day he was on the right - unambiguously. In fact he was the prize the SDP wanted but never got, much closer to them on key policy matters but remained a Labour loyalist. Atlanticist, pro-nukes and certainly danced to the IMFs tune. He was of a different era in Labour's history though. For him managing capitalism meant literally that, seeking wage restraint amongst workers in a period of inflation (at a point when organised labour was strong enough to have a place at the table). Of course no Labour leader from that period onwards felt they could even have those discussions with the TUC - in fact made a point of distancing themselves. However the break up of that top down corporatism was one of the reasons that Labourism fell apart in that period.Which he went along with, if he really had convictions about wealth redistribution then surely he would have resigned.
Quite frankly fuck him, when the time came he showed which side he was on and it wasn't mine.