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Rfid tags in texas school boycotted due to religious beliefs


You can't park here sir

A court challenge has delayed plans to expel a Texan student for refusing to wear a radio tag that tracked her movements.

Religious reasons led Andrea Hernandez to stop wearing the tag that revealed where she was on her school campus.

The tags were introduced to track students and help tighten control of school funding.

A Texan court has granted a restraining order filed by a civil rights group pending a hearing on use of the tags.

ID badges containing radio tags started to be introduced at the start of the 2012 school year to schools run by San Antonio's Northside Independent School District (NISD). The tracking tags gave NISD a better idea of the numbers of students attending classes each day - the daily average of which dictates how much cash it gets from state coffers.

'Mark of the beast'

Wtf the ideas very dodgy but the protest is bonkers
The whole "RFID is the mark of the Beast" is old hat. Before RFID went mainstream, the same religious nutbags were claiming "barcodes are the mark of the Beast". Another 20 years and it'll be "neural interface sockets are the mark of the Beast"!

And in 20 years they'll all have been shown to be right. :)
The whole "RFID is the mark of the Beast" is old hat. Before RFID went mainstream, the same religious nutbags were claiming "barcodes are the mark of the Beast". Another 20 years and it'll be "neural interface sockets are the mark of the Beast"!

The whole "RFID is the mark of the Beast" is old hat. Before RFID went mainstream, the same religious nutbags were claiming "barcodes are the mark of the Beast". Another 20 years and it'll be "neural interface sockets are the mark of the Beast"!
So in time it might be compulsory to have a device which would directly link your brain to authority. Would prove the guys right, no?
So in time it might be compulsory to have a device which would directly link your brain to authority. Would prove the guys right, no?

Any issues stemming from controlling technologies and ideas imposed by the state or other powerful entities now or in the future should be discussed in empowering political terms, not religious mumbo-jumbo, dodgy superstition or new age paranoia. Ancient religious texts should be interpreted as a sign of the times they were written in, not mangled to fit the future by drooling idiots. For example the most likely explanation for biblical references to the number of the beast would be the Roman Empire, so not so much the NWO as the OWO :D
So in time it might be compulsory to have a device which would directly link your brain to authority. Would prove the guys right, no?

Who said anything about it being compulsory? That's an entirely different argument to some fruitbat claiming that voluntarily wearing an RFID tag constitutes "the mark of the Beast". :facepalm:
I saw Goody Osburn with the devil!

No, its more likely you suffered from ergot poisoning.

Oh well, an excuse to post this again.

Neural interfaces don't exist Jazzz.

Not that I'm comfortable on this side of the argument, but I think they do.

Neural interfaces are systems operating at the intersection of the nervous system and an internal or external device. Neural interfaces include neural prosthetics, which are artificial extensions to the body that restore or supplement function of the nervous system lost during disease or injury, and implantable neural stimulators that provide therapy. Neural interfaces are used to allow disabled individuals the ability to control their own bodies and lead fuller and more productive lives.

The whole "RFID is the mark of the Beast" is old hat. Before RFID went mainstream, the same religious nutbags were claiming "barcodes are the mark of the Beast". Another 20 years and it'll be "neural interface sockets are the mark of the Beast"!
VP you are out of date. Neural interface sockets have been replaced by 2 way Wi-Fi brain scanners.
San Antonio's Northside Independent School District (NISD) as featured in the OP. :rolleyes:

No, the school district didn't say they were compulsory (they have no powers of compulsion, not even for attendance), they claimed (unconstitutionally) that you couldn't attend school without wearing one, which are the grounds on which they're being taken to court, you eye-rolling gimp.
And the school in question is forcing their kids to have these?

LIke you could get any kid to have something they don't want! :D

More accurately, they've attempted to bully and trick the kids to have RFID tags, because (and I'm saying this for Jazzz's benefit) they've no legal grounds on which to require it, as yet.
The suggestion was that what is happening with rfid now will subsequently happen with neural interfaces.

No, the suggestion was that some people called barcodes "the mark of the Beast" 20 years ago, that they call RFID tags "the mark of the Beast" now, and that they'll call neural interfaces "the mark of the Beast" in 20 years time, C:facepalm:pt:facepalm:in F:facepalm:cep:facepalm:lm!
Forget the religious reasons, I'd refuse to wear it because fuck off.

Yeah, but you're forgetting how the Black Helicopter® legions of the New World Order are equipped with weapons that fire miniaturised rfid tags into people, which those people will mistake for a bee sting or other insect bite, when actually it's the mark of the Beast©.

Really, 'rax, I thought you knew this stuff, what with working in the health services!
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