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Return of the Drag: 2011

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morning all, sick day after falling off a bicycle last night in regents park, was test riding bike i was thinking of buying, scooting along a rare old pace, when some daft old bird pulls out from the parked cars and does a u-turn, completely blocking the road off. i swerved to avoid her, hit the pavement and woke up on my back, looking at the sky. cuts, bumps and bruises mainly but my rib cage is very sore and my ankle is swollen and bruised. feeling a bit sorry for myself tbh.
morning all, sick day after falling off a bicycle last night in regents park, was test riding bike i was thinking of buying, scooting along a rare old pace, when some daft old bird pulls out from the parked cars and does a u-turn, completely blocking the road off. i swerved to avoid her, hit the pavement and woke up on my back, looking at the sky. cuts, bumps and bruises mainly but my rib cage is very sore and my ankle is swollen and bruised. feeling a bit sorry for myself tbh.

(((paulie))) :( Cider, that will sort it out!

I harvested lettuce this morning and some tomatoes are looking ripe for the picking.
Beetroot is getting there and there is one little chilli on the way too :)

Nice one - I've been harvesting red lettuce lately, and baby spinach leaves, nom.

How long do beets take, cos mine have had tiny leaves on top for ages now but I don't know when they'll be ready

I can't remember :oops:
Maybe some lettuce and some spring onions?

Aha - red lettuce? Got a fair bit of it actually, and me spring onions are nearly done!:cool: Ta la!

I'm sure most people wouldn't be that bothered by the lack of picked eggs.

I would, I fucking lurve pickled eggs me. :cool:
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