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Return of the Drag: 2011

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I like Yorkshire tea - but to have it in the office, I will have to buy it - bosses have stopped the tea/coffee/hot chocolate gravy train :(

I spent two years lobbying for it, so being a pain in the arse to people does have its benefits :)
Yorkshire Tea - foul stuff. I like my tea weak and milky and it is impossible with yorkshire tea. Show the bag the water and it's instantly browny orange :mad:
Have eaten my lunch - leftover prawn pilau - and am gearing up for a trip to Westfield to look at the sales. This will be the highlight of my work day.
if you ask nicely maybe they can move the date of the wedding forward a month

Everyone here is checking to see if they're working the day of the wedding and then planning to take it off. Unfortunately, we will not all be successful.
Have you all gone!!? No dragging for me for the last few days I have been up in Yorkshire - licking whippets ;) - back now and attempting to stuff myself with as much chocolate and lard I can cram into my stomach before the food embargo...healthy eating shit ...starts again!
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