I think there may-have-possibly-allegedly-etc.. been some RTS peeps quite hoping that J18 would turn out the way it did. I imagine that most of those involved in the coalition felt pretty much the same. I guess it threw a lot of the single-issue brigade though...
Many of those involved shared a mantra along the lines of - 'we're really going for it - The City - which we've so far imagined to be off limits cos' it's too hardcore - (post-IRA etc..) - it's going to be a bloodbath - we're all mad and irresponsible'. Thus, violence of some kind was inevitable.
Funnily enough, I think RTS were guilty of underambition - i.e. not believing that everything planned would happen - and consequently, the plans fell short of what would have been even more breathtaking.
The idea that the LIFFE trading floor could be occupied for example. It so almost was....
One image I'll never forget - mounted riot cops charging the crowd at the top end of Southwark Bridge - crowd doesn't budge - instead a horse plus cop get pulled down and disappear (they did get rescued by a baton charge eventually)... Never seen people so up for it.
After J18 a lot of peeps criticised RTS for the violence. This criticism contributed quite a bit to the nature of the Guerilla Gardening on Mayday 2000. Which of course - got criticised by many for being too fluffy...