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Remakes no one wanted.


International Man of Misery

Someone has described Another Round as:

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Remake of $21.7M Oscar Winning Movie That Nobody Wants.

So I started to think of other remakes no one wanted.

Tom Cruise’s The Mummy has to be high on that list.
The Wicker Man.
Infernal Affairs.
Les Diaboliques.

(Loads of non-English language films tbh.)

Eta Realised I've given the originals not the remakes. 🤦‍♀️
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Van Sant's shot by shot remake of Psycho. I mean why????
Presumably being exactly the same as the original is enough for some people.
It's like someone doing an exact copy of a classic painting or something - yes it's very clever, but unless you're going to pass it off as the original and make a load of money, just why?
ah tbf some people just won't watch black and white movies :rolleyes:

id did not hate the remake as it was just a repeat of the original
Apart from Gaslight, where the remake was made four years after the original, I don't thnk I've seen any remakes. And it means I get them muddled.

No, there's no point, by and large. But that applies to a lot of life.
Apart from Gaslight, where the remake was made four years after the original, I don't thnk I've seen any remakes.

No, there's no point, by and large. But that applies to a lot of life.
I haven't seen most of those listed so far, and have no desire to, but as Sue said, Hollywood remakes loads of non-English-language films. You may well have seen some without realising.
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Ocean's Eleven is far better than Ocean's 11, for a start.

It's one of those things that comes up from time to time, but can't bring any of the other obvious ones to mind right now.
at least the Psycho remake was an interesting experiment rather than a naked attempt to cash in
Oh don't get me wrong, I found it interesting.
In much the same way I find it interesting if someone manages to do a good job doing a forgery (although that is probably a weighted word) of a painting.
It's interesting.
In some ways, I'd rather see a remake doing something different, rather than a shot by shot, which is interesting but it's only at best a direct copy of the original, in which it either succeeds as being the same as the original, or it fails by getting something wrong - I'm not sure it's worth doing that really, in an artistic sense.
There is one exception I can think of. Hitchcock's remake of his own film, The Man Who Knew Too Much. The original does have Peter Lorre, but the remake is a much better film. It's just better made.
The 1954 version of A Star is Born is much better than the 30s/70s versions.

Haven't seen the must recent one but Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper are no Judy Garland/James Mason.
Apart from Gaslight, where the remake was made four years after the original, I don't thnk I've seen any remakes. And it means I get them muddled.

No, there's no point, by and large. But that applies to a lot of life.
Have you seen The Departed? Insomnia? The Ring? The Magnificent Seven? The Coen brothers' True Grit or The Ladykillers or Whisky Galore? Loads of things are remakes, some better than others.
The 1954 version of A Star is Born is much better than the 30s/70s versions.

Haven't seen the must recent one but Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper are no Judy Garland/James Mason.
Looking that up, I think I've only seen the Streisand version. Probably an omission.

Four versions of the same film. I wonder what the record is?
I'm also in a very small minority of people (who already knew the original) who think the Coens' Ladykillers is really good and worth having.
There are many remakes which, by any disinterested standard, should be hailed as improvements on originals. Many of us will prefer the original essentially because we grew up with it. That's all. The following are all better, recent, remakes. I prefer some of the originals, but only because of a familiarity which has failed to breed contempt.

True Grit
Thomas Crown Affair
The Thing
West Side Story
Casino Royale
His Girl Friday (okay, thats not so recent).
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