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Religions and cults on the streets of Brixton

Some additions:


Street Preachers of Brixton: the Don’t Leave It Too Late supermarket persuader


Brixton Street Preachers: the return of the one with the really loud sound system
Do you think they should be regulated - or even banned?
I guess a by-law could be passed regulating their decibels? Then you have the issue of who would have the task of asking them to turn down the wick - or hop it.
Sorry no pictures, but the Catholics from Our Lady of the Rosary (Brixton Road, opposite Max Roach Park) were out this afternoon on Windrush Square.

It looked like a bit of a South American family outing. The leader/celebrant on a podium, approached by carpets. There were Catholic-style banners as backing, including a Virgin Mary banner and a brass crucifix suitable for processions. The people (and kids) were dancing to music and singing with tambourines.

I passed by near the end of the event, and nobody seemed to be attempting any conversions. They did hand out some flyers though and it seems this will be repeated every Sunday 3 pm - 5 pm until 2nd June.

Wikipedia indicates that outdoor celebrations of the Virgin Mary in May are a Catholic tradition, though not necessarily that old. Noted in Verona in 1739 and popularised by the Jesuits from about 1800 in Catholic parts of Europe.
I find they’re generally easy to ignore as I mostly encounter them in passing. Apart from the guy who got on the same carriage as me the other week and then started singing holy praise! No escape from that. My polite request for him to wind his neck in was simply ignored.
In situations like this start singing another song, eg yellow submarine, and you'll find the pest will soon cease
Apologies for geographical inexactitute, but I saw manifestation of the Twelve Tribes of Israel this afternoon at Camberwell Green. Good choice from their point of view, as the street there amplifies their rhetoric well. There were about 12 of them (appropriately) outside Santander, and opposite Butterfly Walk.

The belief of this curious group is that slavery is type of original sin, brought on by ancestral misdemeanours in the time of Abraham.

Today however they were also majoring on the evils of homosexuality and gay marriage. Which seemed a bit incongruous as they has fetching multi-coloured patterned smocks. Extremely camp. Almost tempting to say "Methinks the lady doth protest too much!"

Maybe the Twelve Tribes need a support group for those on the Down-Low?
Apologies for geographical inexactitute, but I saw manifestation of the Twelve Tribes of Israel this afternoon at Camberwell Green. Good choice from their point of view, as the street there amplifies their rhetoric well. There were about 12 of them (appropriately) outside Santander, and opposite Butterfly Walk.

The belief of this curious group is that slavery is type of original sin, brought on by ancestral misdemeanours in the time of Abraham.

Today however they were also majoring on the evils of homosexuality and gay marriage. Which seemed a bit incongruous as they has fetching multi-coloured patterned smocks. Extremely camp. Almost tempting to say "Methinks the lady doth protest too much!"

Maybe the Twelve Tribes need a support group for those on the Down-Low?
I saw them too. The evil fucked-up bigoted cunts.
Anyone know who the preachers were by the town hall this weekend? Saturday, standing opposite Traid, filming themselves. Group of young black guys- don’t think anyone was over 30?- burning incense and wearing a mixture of red robes with gold edging and green robes, but sort of mixed up with black streetwear?
Burning a lot of incense.
Tbf the other quote he was using is kind of threatening.
Seems to me you must be a Lutheran. Luther decreed that the Epistle of James was an epistle of straw.

"In his book Basic Theology, Charles Caldwell Ryrie countered the claim that Luther rejected the Book of James as being non-canonical.[13] In his preface to the New Testament, Luther ascribed to several books of the New Testament different degrees of doctrinal value:

"St. John's Gospel and his first Epistle, St. Paul's Epistles, especially those to the Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and St. Peter's Epistle-these are the books which show to thee Christ, and teach everything that is necessary and blessed for thee to know, even if you were never to see or hear any other book of doctrine. Therefore, St. James' Epistle is a perfect straw-epistle compared with them, for it has in it nothing of an evangelic kind."[14]
Anyone know who the preachers were by the town hall this weekend? Saturday, standing opposite Traid, filming themselves. Group of young black guys- don’t think anyone was over 30?- burning incense and wearing a mixture of red robes with gold edging and green robes, but sort of mixed up with black streetwear?
Burning a lot of incense.
From your description of the general atire sound probable these were members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. See Brixton Buzz


Brixton 1 – Twelve Tribes of Israel 0. Homophobic street preachers forced out of Windrush Square
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