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Religions and cults on the streets of Brixton


There's been highly enthusiastic religious types bellowing their messages on the streets of Brixton for years - I've just put together a short feature here: The street preachers and religious cults of central Brixton, 2000-2014

I know they've been mentioned in various threads on these boards over the years (I've looked!) but I thought it might be an idea to list the new ones and remember the old ones here.


This fella was harassing folks on Saturday.


And this cult has made an increasing presence outside the tube.


More here: http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2014/04/...religious-cults-of-central-brixton-2000-2014/

I always wondered who Phil Howard was - - and not just his name which I now know but more what he did when he wasn't outside the tube...
I've added a couple more photos to that collection, and identified the Village megaphone guy as Carloton Warren, ex-boxer.

I met him in the market, top of Popes Road, late last year. He was just going about his business megaphone free. I gently teased him about it and he retorted with good humour, that others were on duty and that God had the loudest voice of all but people had to want to hear it. Nice chap
I met him in the market, top of Popes Road, late last year. He was just going about his business megaphone free. I gently teased him about it and he retorted with good humour, that others were on duty and that God had the loudest voice of all but people had to want to hear it. Nice chap
It always seems a bit funny when he's not 'in character' - but he is, as you say, a nice chap.
Whenever I'm in the area it seems quite well-stocked with those of a salvational disposition.

It's odd - I actually quite like Brixton. They should recruit in Dagenham.
Happily, I haven't seen the foghorn-esque middle aged Irish woman who patrolled the patch by H&M making a terrible racket for a while.
We used to have a chap in Nottingham who loudly claimed eating protein led to lust and bad language was responsible for most illnesses.
There's a host of lively & godly music acts that have 'entertained' Brixton on the corner @ KFC. A natural performance space. Perhaps that wasn't the point of the article. It's the busyness of it all that attracts them. I really swore at some wanna be preacher once there when he was obviously being (massively) homophobic. He was saying it in God's name where everything is permitted as Žižek rightly pointed out.
I may have been in part responsible for Phil Howard leaving Brixton. He would mostly set up in Tunstall Road (very close to where I work) and I tolerated him for years and even grew to think of him as a 'character'.

But one morning, he was going on about how it didn't matter how good and kind and considerate you were, if you weren't reborn in Jesus Christ, you were damned forever and would burn in hell.

Now, there is a metaphysical rationale, which runs across many spiritual traditions, of which this is a corruption and, in another place with another person, I might have engaged in spirited and good-natured discussion on his matter. But this morning, it just got me wrong and I launched my face into his and shrieked at him every vile name under the sun! :eek: He didn't turn up next day and I never saw him again after that.......:):(

It was about this time of my life when, on another occasion, I harangued a preacher out of my tube carriage using the same sort of technique....
Great to capture the various loons in picture as well.

I haven't seen the Final Call sellers around for over a decade now. They use to do all their posing and fake intimidation outside Red Records.
Fantastic pics, btw. :)

I'm sad to have missed the bontempi organ/bagpipes band.
I haven't seen the Final Call sellers around for over a decade now. They use to do all their posing and fake intimidation outside Red Records.

The Nation of Islam people have a shop (or share in a shop) under the Brixton Rec called 'All Eyes On Egipt' so they do most of their evangelising in and around there.
That Maoist Sect ought to be included but they kept it in house for thirty years. Agree with Sirena Nation of Islam ought to be included, certainly the best dressed of the bunch.
I remember this lot causing a kerfuffle but it this 16-part video (wha'?!) they're being largely ignored.

They're getting well dodgy here with some weird beef about Sri Lanka.

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