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Regional anti-cuts organising


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Where: Bristol, Council House,College Green
When: July 8 7.30
What: First open organising/planning meeting. All local unions, trades council Shop Stewards Network etc on board.
Who: Can't Pay Won’t Pay: North East public rally
Where: The Royal Station Hotel in Newcastle. Neville Street NE1 5DH
When: 21st July, 19:00 - 20:30
Will these cuts campaigns inc welfare cuts which will indeed impact on TU members or are we going to have just sectional interests represented?
I'd be very surprised if anyone at all was thinking of organising along sectional lines. I think welfare cuts are going to be a central part of them, esp since they're so clearly linked now. Cuts means cuts.
Hackney TUC launch an anti-cuts campaign tomorrow (Wednesday 30th June) at the Trinity Centre in Dalston at 7pm. There is infighting already.
'A perfect campaign takes time to understand itself and is helped by involvement. '

I take your point, I do hope so..
There's always infighting though. I'm in the PSC and the last meeting I attended they spent an hour arguing over whether to have a barbecue or a curry. And we're talking about a very successful national organisation here.

Leicester Stop the cuts activist meeting
Tuesday 29 June, 7.30pm
Independent Arts Centre, Humberstone Gate
Supported by Leicester trade unionists and Youth Fight for Jobs
In the North East we have launched the Public Services Alliance, which currently includes Unison, the PCS, and Unite and will probably include the FBU and NUT very shortly. At the launch meeting everyone agreed with broadening it out to service user groups, community groups and faith groups and everyone else affected, christ in the North East some business organisations will no doubt back us. I didn't see any infighting either despite the presence of everyone from trots of various stripe to the bureacracy.
Where: Lambeth UNISON office, 6a Acre Lane, Brixton
When: Wednesday 30 June, 6pm
What: First open organising/planning meeting. UNISON, UCU, NUT, Tenant's Council, Pensioners Action Group and Right to Work to send representatives. FBU, RMT, CWU and PCS all invited and will hopefully send representatives as well.

Everyone is welcome!

The local trades council is run by a stalinist so they aren't on board yet as you have to go through 101 bureaucratic hoops, but hopefully we can resolve that soon.
The local trades council is run by a stalinist so they aren't on board yet as you have to go through 101 bureaucratic hoops, but hopefully we can resolve that soon.

Does it matter if they're on board? Trades Councils are mostly dead, fairplay if one isn't and gets stuck in, but I wouldn't put too much effort on getting them involved.
Does it matter if they're on board? Trades Councils are mostly dead, fairplay if one isn't and gets stuck in, but I wouldn't put too much effort on getting them involved.

I agree about not putting too much effort in with them.
At the risk of being Weekly worker about it this is what Counterfire's meetings throw up:

1. Andrew Burgin is chair

2. Brent guy about Brent red-Green Forum for Labour lefts, SWP & Green Party

3. Asian Scot

4. Lindsey German

5. 19 mins - 24 mins Michael Bradley, SWP fulltimer industrial organiser

6. John Rees

7. Greek Counterfire man Xristof

8. 32 mins - 36 mins woman talking about organising

9. 36 mins - 39 mins

10. Fred Le Plat Socialist Resistance

11. Man. 41 mins - joke about the Life of Brian again, build activity for 22 June.

12. Andrew Burgin proposes closed doors negotiations about

13. Lady says this kind of meeting + egos puts people off the left.

14. 47 mins - 50 mins Chris Nineham says left should aim for rally during Budget Day at Trafalgar Square even though the GLA won't like it.

15. 50 mins - 52 mins older man describes unorganised component assembly centres near Basildon, suggests separate local efforts.

16. 52 - 54 mins Tom Whittaker ex-SWP ex-NUS executive Counterfire says people should leave work and go to Parliament/Whitehall/Trafalgar Sqaure.

17. environmentalist woman talking about demanding new elections if a double dip recession emerges, talking to uk youth parliament.

18. Another Right to Work SWP guy NUJ chair wants letter into local press for demonstrations locally and in central London, say his union is a good union.

20. Andrew Burgin says he wants practical suggestion from Jacob, related to Middlesex University. Jacob promises this but says that theory is not up to scratch offers nothing practical.

21. Question about whether chair has taken contributions from Middlsex Uni students. Joke from Andrew Burgin as he takes contribution from Middlsex Uni student describing the gender imbalance in the left with "It's a woman... thank God"

22. Youngish student

23. Fred Le Plat Socialist Resistance wants discussion about evening

24. Michael Bradley, SWP fulltimer industrial organiser mentions SWP dominated Whittington Hospital campaign hand-hand with Jeremy Corbyn.

25. James Meadway 1hr07mins ex-Treasury worker ex-SWP Counterfire

26. Man wants protest against banks. Jeremy

27. Noel: European Social Forum having brought together 24,000 leftists in Britain. Talks of anti-war march on day of war from UCL to Parliament without police permission being needed on Budget day.

28. Seth says rally at and Argentina-Greece will be

29. Clare Solomon talks about Mutiny says it's format for meetings is better (perhaps it's something about

30. Xristof wants notes/ideas to be distributed

31. Andrew Burgin addresses SWP in terms of: 'I feel we have to work with the Right to Work'
I am not a Labor Leader; I do not want you to follow me or anyone else; if you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of this capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. - Eugene Debs
In the North East we have launched the Public Services Alliance, which currently includes Unison, the PCS, and Unite and will probably include the FBU and NUT very shortly.

I was there positive so far though Unison may scupper that in the longer term The agreement to set up local PSA committees is to be welcomed. No infighting or debate for that matter as there were two platform speakers and workshops with a set agenda ie these are the proposals how do we build the campaing locally.
they can't expect the public, 'users' etc, to get on board/onside unless they have a major part in the decision making, in fact imo, without this comittment, they will fail
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