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Red Dead Redemption 2

Oh I'm looking forward to this so much. The simple pleasures of riding your trusty steed across the plains, the wind in your hair, a coyote howling in the distance, a glowering sunset on the horizon, the epic soundtrack.

And with nothing on your mind but tying up a perfectly innocent stranger and leaving them on a railway track
. :cool:
I did that with a whole village. It was carnage!
I did that with a whole village. It was carnage!
I was pissed off at losing at cards so stationed myself on a roof, got tooled right up and killed everyone in sight for about half an hour. My Good/Evil thing went right off the scale and I got awarded this demonic horse with bright red eyes. I think it's hooves smoked, too. I loved this game.
I was pissed off at losing at cards so stationed myself on a roof, got tooled right up and killed everyone in sight for about half an hour. My Good/Evil thing went right off the scale and I got awarded this demonic horse with bright red eyes. I think it's hooves smoked, too. I loved this game.
I did that loads of times. Such a great way of letting off steam. Aw man, I probably need that sort of thing right now, but I left my controller in London
God, that's beautiful.

What utter total complete bastards not bringing it to PC. Imagine how stunning it would look with everything thrown at it.

I played through RDR1 on a friends console whilst they were on holiday. I may have to find something similar for this :( Was really hoping for a PC version.
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Wow. That looks fantastic. :cool:

Gotta be honest - I hadn't thought the jump from a PS3 to a 4 was all that amazing but if games are going to look like that in the future I'll gladly change my opinion.
Rockstar are such a great company - rarely release stuff but when they do its phenomenal more often than not.

Great free DLC too - yes the extras are expensive to buy with ingame money, but there's so many fun ways to earn it that it never feels like the grind
Wow. If only they could have released it now whilst WestWorld was running.

Never has the desire to play cowboys n native Americans been so strong.
Wow. If only they could have released it now whilst WestWorld was running.

Never has the desire to play cowboys n native Americans been so strong.
(re)play the first one?

I've just deleted my save and started again. I didn't get very far in it, but I'm gonna have a good go this time. I was enjoying it so not sure why I stopped. Time, I imagine.
(re)play the first one?

I've just deleted my save and started again. I didn't get very far in it, but I'm gonna have a good go this time. I was enjoying it so not sure why I stopped. Time, I imagine.
Replaying the original involves plugging my Xbox 360 into to my TV which involves unplugging my PS4 which is a faff. But I may just do it.
For me Rockstar are head and shoulders above any other game developer. They make fantastic games and the online is good and really do look after their fans
I played the original through twice... But only until I got to the bit where you cross the river to Mexico.

I got bored both times and didn't pick it up again... This was before Trump, so I can't even blame him.

Still, this does look good so will have to get it.
I played the original through twice... But only until I got to the bit where you cross the river to Mexico.

I got bored both times and didn't pick it up again... This was before Trump, so I can't even blame him.

Still, this does look good so will have to get it.
The Mexico part is where I got bored too and gave up
I'm looking forward to it too. May even get it on release, which is rare as usually don't want to pay full wack.
Got all the way through the first one, mainly for the story as well as the exploration and fights.
Just started the first one over again in anticipation for the second. Not that I have the requisite console to run it on. But it's nice being a console peasant and roaming around with John Marston again.
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