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Red Dead Redemption 2

It's coming out in November, or you heard in November that it's going to be coming out at some point?
I was watching a video about the making of the No Man's Sky soundtrack, and at one point Sean talks about playing RDR and the first time you go into NM and hear that music, about how it's one of his stand-out gaming memories, that it made him slow down and just experience the moment.

I defy a single person to think different.

Look out for that, ruffneck23. Savour it. You lucky dog.
the first time you go into NM and hear that music, about how it's one of his stand-out gaming memories, that it made him slow down and just experience the moment.
It's the most atmospheric game I've ever played. I had loads of moments where I'd just look out over the plains at a sunset or something listening to the sounds of the wildlife. I'd play for hours without actually doing anything. I absolutely loved it.
Wasn't there rumours that Rockstar are holding out on releasing anything until a certain court case is settled?
I don't think I'm anywhere near NM yet , I'm still hearding cows through the storms , but that's due to a save fucking up grr ! although I'm a bit upset that someone challenged me to a draw , stupid bigger didn't have a chance now the locals don't like me so much. I didn't even go lookin for a fight ffs :D
Coming out in nov 2016. Could be a rumor though.

Wow. Considering there's absolutely no footage (that I'm aware of) that would be quite weird. But also wonderful.

I need something to tide me over now Andromeda has been pushed back until next year. If I can pull myself away from No Man's Sky, of course.
Can I also join the clamour of 'please let it be on PC'. I think this console generation it's easier to do a version for XBone, Ps4 and PC because they've all got similar architecture, and in the case of XBone and Windows 10, they'll be both running DX12 when this comes out. So no excuses.

I thought Red Dead Redemption was great, and I enjoyed it much more than GTA. Really got the Spagetti Western atmosphere done well. I'm not really a Spag Western fan, but still...
ah bugger, i knocked over the xbox 360 last night and its totally fucked the RDR disk :(

I can go to CEX and get another later I suppose as its only 4 quid, but its a bit of a trek
Can I also join the clamour of 'please let it be on PC'. I think this console generation it's easier to do a version for XBone, Ps4 and PC because they've all got similar architecture, and in the case of XBone and Windows 10, they'll be both running DX12 when this comes out. So no excuses.

I thought Red Dead Redemption was great, and I enjoyed it much more than GTA. Really got the Spagetti Western atmosphere done well. I'm not really a Spag Western fan, but still...

Doesn't windows 10 support xbone games or something? They do something called play anywhere in Gears of War.
Ah, okay. I expect it means then that you can download a PC version for free if you own the XBone version, not that you can just grab the disk and put it in your PC and it'll work. The architecture is too different. So all it's saying is that if you've paid microsoft once for that title you don't need to pay them again in order to download it on their other platform. A bit like some Steam games where you can download it for PC or Mac but just pay the once, or for something like the new Skyrim remastered version which is free to download if you've already bought the full old version. Same concept, different delivery systems is all.
Ah, okay. I expect it means then that you can download a PC version for free if you own the XBone version, not that you can just grab the disk and put it in your PC and it'll work. The architecture is too different. So all it's saying is that if you've paid microsoft once for that title you don't need to pay them again in order to download it on their other platform. A bit like some Steam games where you can download it for PC or Mac but just pay the once, or for something like the new Skyrim remastered version which is free to download if you've already bought the full old version. Same concept, different delivery systems is all.

This, and the whole point is you can jump of the Xbone onto the Pc and then the laptop or note pad if playing something as basic as Minecraft.

It also will have cross platform gaming, so you could be playing someone on a PC or and Xbone... who knows?
I think they'll start doing this a lot more frequently - at least I hope so. It's annoying if your friend has x on PS4 and you have it on PC and you can't get on the same server. Obviously it's easier to do for xbone/PC because Microsoft, but Microsoft and Sony start getting into dick-swinging competitions and get all arsey about sharing servers. They all have different ways of going about certifying updates too (which is why different platforms get updates at different times - well, part of the reason, the other reason is that obviously the updates will have different things in them).
Oh I'm looking forward to this so much. The simple pleasures of riding your trusty steed across the plains, the wind in your hair, a coyote howling in the distance, a glowering sunset on the horizon, the epic soundtrack.

And with nothing on your mind but tying up a perfectly innocent stranger and leaving them on a railway track. :cool:
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