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Rebellion punk festival in Blackpool

didn't know anything about you being banned? It's me that's more likely to be banned in the long run . That article sounds dodgy but the bass player is dead sound , i have only met the others briefly , but you think Sunny Bastards would distribute their CDs if they were dodge?
Yes you did know about me being banned,it was written under my user name in big bold letters the mornin you made a post after a gap of 9 days.Frankly mate you've picked an argument here without considerin what you're getting yourself into,and no amount of squirmin's gonna get ye out of it
Drummer boy's even used rebellion in blackpool to squirm out of answering questions about his crap in interviews,along the lines of look i'm a black skinhead hangin out at rebellion with white skins walking around in whitelaw (fascist bonehead band) t shirts,and i'm havin to defend myself from these accusations...which is where we came in to this conversation...That's when he's not calling people who question him faggots who want his black dick(his words not mine!)
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Yes you did know about me being banned,it was written under my user name in big bold letters the mornin you made a post after a gap of 9 days.Frankly mate you've picked an argument here without considerin what you're getting yourself into,and no amount of squirmin's gonna get ye out of it

Why would i go looking to see the status of someone on the forum ? Gonna get out of what? i don't even know why you got banned anyway but with your attitude i can guess.
Some more lyrics from a song called the glory that once was,by another of the wee drummer boys' bands the templars

think about your country
lets bring back the glory it once was
lets build up our own industries
lets put our nation back on its feet
fuck trade wars we'll close our doors
fuck immigration we've got our own population

He also drums for battlezone (formerly based in chelmsford) when they play in america.Alex the lead singer (referred to in beating the fascists) is based in peru where he skipped to when blood and honour/c18 had their internal meltdown in the mid late nineties,presumably,and i am presumin this,to escape recriminations...

i never knew they had any dodgy lyrics like that , as for Battlezone you musta missed that in yer research but Alex ditched all the nazi stuff ages ago.
I don't have much time now trev,i'm waitin for my wee clan to get back in then i'm daddin it.First off you keep using this word should...should i do this,should i do that.Can ye not decide for yourself what to do/ think by lookin at all the arguments info around this stuff that's about?
Nobody's sayin you should do anything...By the way i agree with people when i agree with them,not for the sake of agreement in and of itself,which is also part of the problem here.
There's a load of stuff in post 168 that you've just ignored...have ye talked to your mate about any of this,have you explained that you distribute their music and you need to be able to answer these questions when you're asked?Are ye not comfortable doin that,is he not comfortable giving you the answers?Are youse all dancin round each other or what?
As for sunny bastards,don't know much about them,looks like the usual anti-politics (which is in fact a political stand...) shite to me,but s98 are obviously providing most of the money for their operation judging from their website.
I don't expect everyone or the majority of people i meet to have the same politics as me,and i've also known some ex dodgy types, what's your point exactly...definitions of whats dodgy /not dodgy is the main point here

i will ask him then to check it out and tell me what is true and what isn't . When people like you are fascinated to the point of stalking with the band (and me) i suspect a lot of this will be shite but who knows
time to get off anyway , you're sounding like the stalker out of Alan Partridge, i worry you have my picture on your walls and Stomper 98 poster in the bog
you aren't really covering yourself with glory here trev. taking an interest in the fascist interests of a band is hardly stalking. sort it out eh?
Why would i go looking to see the status of someone on the forum ? Gonna get out of what? i don't even know why you got banned anyway but with your attitude i can guess.
At 7 am last sat morning,after a gap of 9 days,you asked a question quoting one of my posts,did ye not notice banned in big bold letters under the user name of the person you quoted?
I got banned by a moderator,who was havin a bad day...
fwiw bamalama, trev doesn't notice much, and often isn't about for days. he's probably telling the truth on this one.

better nailing him for his evasive bullshit on them nazi bands instead i'd say...
i never knew they had any dodgy lyrics like that , as for Battlezone you musta missed that in yer research but Alex ditched all the nazi stuff ages ago.
D'ye not listen to the lyrics of the bands your into,and they've got loads of dodgy lyrics like that,and they've also covered screwdriver songs.Alex has ditched it all apparently,but still plays dodgy festivals under the same name,and plays gigs organised/promoted by the wee drummer boy (who lets not forget collects white power/rac records),using fascist/rac inspired imagery and graphics on their flyers,why?
"fascinated...stalking me/the band...sounding like a stalker...posters of stomper 98 in the bog..."
Well done mucker,this is exactly the sort of language that is being used to not answer questions around this stuff...you'll be telling me i'm a jealous faggot next...
Now,lets fuckin get this straight,you jumped into a conversation that ye weren't involved in and talked crap about anti racism when nobody had accused anyone of bein a racist,and ye got called on it,nobody had even mentioned the name of any bands,so then ye fucked off for 9 days until you thought the coast was clear.
Then you came jumpin back in with your "pray tell" bollocks,and decided you were gonna name bands,but that hasn't worked out for ye either has it?This situation is of your own makin mate and your makin a fuckin balls of it.
The language in your last few posts tells me that it's not the first time you've come across this stuff either,in fact if your mates with some of these people thats a definite afaic.I don't think your pals are gonna appreciate what you've achieved here at all...and your lack of any coherent response to this shite is fuckin dismal.
This isn't some dark oi corner of the internet where skinheads of different political views are havin it out about this.This is a fairly popular open site,widely read by music/media types,and i for one am happy that you've drawn our attention to this band and the issues surrounding them and their nudge,nudge,wink,wink fence sitting bollocks...cheers oi,oi
Wasn't that you? I asked the name of the band you were hinting at. Trev replied. You, you naughty boy must have been banned :eek:
I'd no intention of naming any band,and wouldn't even of got into this,bein interested in the wider discussion around rebellion.This stuff is easy to google for people who are interested,and they could've drawn their own conclusions .If trev had've kept his beak out and his gub shut,there would've been nothin to reply to...so well done trev.
I'd no intention of naming any band,and wouldn't even of got into this,bein interested in the wider discussion around rebellion.This stuff is easy to google for people who are interested,and they could've drawn their own conclusions .If trev had've kept his beak out and his gub shut,there would've been nothin to reply to...so well done trev.

Tbf there only seems to be you interested in bringing the band to this thread.
"fascinated...stalking me/the band...sounding like a stalker...posters of stomper 98 in the bog..."
Well done mucker,this is exactly the sort of language that is being used to not answer questions around this stuff...you'll be telling me i'm a jealous faggot next...
Now,lets fuckin get this straight,you jumped into a conversation that ye weren't involved in and talked crap about anti racism when nobody had accused anyone of bein a racist,and ye got called on it,nobody had even mentioned the name of any bands,so then ye fucked off for 9 days until you thought the coast was clear.
Then you came jumpin back in with your "pray tell" bollocks,and decided you were gonna name bands,but that hasn't worked out for ye either has it?This situation is of your own makin mate and your makin a fuckin balls of it.
The language in your last few posts tells me that it's not the first time you've come across this stuff either,in fact if your mates with some of these people thats a definite afaic.I don't think your pals are gonna appreciate what you've achieved here at all...and your lack of any coherent response to this shite is fuckin dismal.
This isn't some dark oi corner of the internet where skinheads of different political views are havin it out about this.This is a fairly popular open site,widely read by music/media types,and i for one am happy that you've drawn our attention to this band and the issues surrounding them and their nudge,nudge,wink,wink fence sitting bollocks...cheers oi,oi
Spot on imo.
D'ye not listen to the lyrics of the bands your into,and they've got loads of dodgy lyrics like that,and they've also covered screwdriver songs.Alex has ditched it all apparently,but still plays dodgy festivals under the same name,and plays gigs organised/promoted by the wee drummer boy (who lets not forget collects white power/rac records),using fascist/rac inspired imagery and graphics on their flyers,why?
I met Alex at a tattoo festival some years back, he has Mussolini and Ian Stuart Donaldson portrait tattoos. I was pretty shocked tbh as I used to get his fanzine Last Chance which was to the right, but nothing too bad. I would be very surprised if he has hung up his jackboots.
I don't think Close Shave are anything political, the main band from the Oi genre these days with a big facist following is Last Orders. I will come back on this as my younger brother is more in touch with the scene these days. He went to Blackpool and hasn't mentioned to me any overt racists there, I will ask him though.
you aren't really covering yourself with glory here trev. taking an interest in the fascist interests of a band is hardly stalking. sort it out eh?

there are certain people on here , about 5 of you , who are obsessed with what i say , and follow me around the boards . Nothing i could ever do could be right . You all need to get some real friends, get out of your bedrooms
don't be a cunt. i'm interacting with you on one thread atm, because i actually think this is worth discussing.

you're coming across as a wriggling shit. i'm disappointed tbh.
I'd no intention of naming any band,and wouldn't even of got into this,bein interested in the wider discussion around rebellion.This stuff is easy to google for people who are interested,and they could've drawn their own conclusions .If trev had've kept his beak out and his gub shut,there would've been nothin to reply to...so well done trev.

oh right i see, if I didn't answer Josef's question then you wouldn't have had your obsessive little arguments? If you really are anti fascist and not some contrary board stalker go and fight some genuine fascists instead of trying to pick faults with people who are anti fascist and have actually went outside their bedrooms where these people are . I am not sad enough to look at what is written under people's names and even if i saw 'banned' written there i woulda assumed you put it there yourself to live up to your oh so notorious contrary argumentative bedroom persona . So easy to be perfect when no one but the Urban elite knows who the fuck you are
don't be a cunt. i'm interacting with you on one thread atm, because i actually think this is worth discussing.

you're coming across as a wriggling shit. i'm disappointed tbh.

i am telling the truth , i had no idea the Templars wrote dodgy lyrics , and i only know the bass player of Stomper 98 who seems a top bloke . You and the rest of the urban elite are the ones who all ganged up and started on me , i answer your questions , you twist my answers. If you were as perfect as the rest of em you wouldn't have been to Rebellion there cos 1% of the crowd are dodgy anyway
you don't think that, as someone who sells potentially dodgy records, that you should perhaps check out the bands before you sell their records? it's your rep. fair enough if you don't care, but you can hardly complain then if you get picked up for it.
"fascinated...stalking me/the band...sounding like a stalker...posters of stomper 98 in the bog..."
Well done mucker,this is exactly the sort of language that is being used to not answer questions around this stuff...you'll be telling me i'm a jealous faggot next...
Now,lets fuckin get this straight,you jumped into a conversation that ye weren't involved in and talked crap about anti racism when nobody had accused anyone of bein a racist,and ye got called on it,nobody had even mentioned the name of any bands,so then ye fucked off for 9 days until you thought the coast was clear.
Then you came jumpin back in with your "pray tell" bollocks,and decided you were gonna name bands,but that hasn't worked out for ye either has it?This situation is of your own makin mate and your makin a fuckin balls of it.
The language in your last few posts tells me that it's not the first time you've come across this stuff either,in fact if your mates with some of these people thats a definite afaic.I don't think your pals are gonna appreciate what you've achieved here at all...and your lack of any coherent response to this shite is fuckin dismal.
This isn't some dark oi corner of the internet where skinheads of different political views are havin it out about this.This is a fairly popular open site,widely read by music/media types,and i for one am happy that you've drawn our attention to this band and the issues surrounding them and their nudge,nudge,wink,wink fence sitting bollocks...cheers oi,oi

Er hang on a minute YOU followed me to another thread about ebay , then dragged me over here to have an argument, you see some of us leave our bedrooms and have a life outside the computer , so i can't spend all my time checking to see if someone is starting an argument on here all the time. I was genuinely interested in who these dodgy bands were , you've produced your hours of research , i have agreed with you on certain things , nothing i could ever say would be good enough , so i'm off soon to the toon punk fest to mix with real people , so enjoy the internet, Mary Mary Quite Contrary
you don't think that, as someone who sells potentially dodgy records, that you should perhaps check out the bands before you sell their records? it's your rep. fair enough if you don't care, but you can hardly complain then if you get picked up for it.

I do, ones that i expect might be dodgy ..... but bands with 2 black members i would never have thought would be .... is it not enough for you that i have agreed on this ?
you're agreeing by accusing us of being sad stalkers & obsessed bedroom anti-fascists?

read the previous posts . Everywhere i go on here i am followed , no matter how sensible the thread i open you lot will come and hi jack it and pick faults . I could even start a thread called "Dave Cameron is a cunt" and you would still find something to argue about . How is that not stalking?
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