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Ratlines, Nazi-hunting and Dr Mengele


bloody furious
Fascinating for my Saturday evening light entertaining, I discover that Dr Josef Mengele didn't die/get killed in 1944/45 but instead lived to a relatively ripe old age in South America. Nor did I realise that the escape network for Nazi's was so organised. Any other items of interest/book recommendations on this area.. before my copy of 'Nazi's on the Run' arrives..
The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists by Martin Lee - first half massive documentary evidence of what happened.
Cue much debate over whether ODESSA existed and, if it did whether it was anything like the ODESSA of legend and myth.
I've got a load of family down in Brazil, and a few years back I went to visit them. We took a trip down to the south of the country for a few days to a place that is not far from the border of Argentina (an area known as the 'Europe of Brazil' due to its architecture). What was strange about this town was a the disproportionate number of people with blonde hair and blue eyes.

At first I thought, well why not? It's a very multi-racial country after all; why wouldn't there be clusters of blondies about the place? There was one particular girl we met that was always being gently teased by her friends for her particularly pronounced Aryan features. She had the nickname of 'The German'.

Since returning to the UK and reading a bit about the whole Nazi-South America connection, I've always wondered what history lies behind that odd little town. :hmm:
S America is littered with old-timey German-style settlements - Colonia Tovar and so on (usually high enough up in the mountains to brew some decent beer and imagine yourself back in ol' Bavaria), and areas which are farmed almost exclusively by uber-whites of German stock ... but not all of them have much or anything to do with fleeing Nazis. (There are lots of people who have extremely 'backward' or downright weird theological ideas like the Mennonites of the Chaco and areas of Mexico, "Colonia Dignidad" in Chile etc, but that's not totally the same thing.) Some of these places are conservative to the nth degree and yes some of them sheltered Nazis, but the German 'heritage' in S America goes back way way way beyond WWII.

It was the same in the US - lots of people don't realise that what they think of as 'cornfed middle American' looks are in fact mostly German. iirc there was a point in the late 1800s when it was a real question whether the USA would end up English or German-speaking, the plains had been settled by so many penniless hardworking German farmers who hadn't yet assimilated enough for the anglos to feel comfortable.
Eichmann got spotted by a camp survivor and grassed to israeli spooks who grabbed him, interrogated him for ages till he signed a confession whereupon they flew him to israel and hung him. And not a single fuck was given that day etc

there is a good film about it- how the lead interrogator struggled with rage and anger at eichmanns blithe 'don't you see? it was ze law' excuses.

also one Licio Geli, italian fascist ran ratlines for a price after the war.

I don't really understand why some names are common parlance for real evil shit and yet some like him go unmentioned outside of history texts
I passed through Bariloche, Argentina last year when travelling around Patagonia. It supposedly became the base of many nazis post war, Piebke being the most high profile one found.
The local Argentinians joked openly about how tight they all are with the money they made from the WW2 looting. They even claim that Hitler made it there.
The Vatican played a massive part in the rat-lines, issuing Vatican passports to Nazis and their families before shipping them off to Buenos Aires via Franco's Spain.

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I've just finished reading Uki Guni's The Real Odessa, which sounds like it is what you are looking for Hollis.
What's the name of that particularly nasty nazi who ended up working for the CIA in South America running death-squads and the like against indigenous movements and labour unions? Lived a long and happy life if I recall and was well paid for his grim work. All very School of the Americas iirc.
What's the name of that particularly nasty nazi who ended up working for the CIA in South America running death-squads and the like against indigenous movements and labour unions? Lived a long and happy life if I recall and was well paid for his grim work. All very School of the Americas iirc.
Well there was more than one. Some invited by Mr Peron to be advisors.
What's the name of that particularly nasty nazi who ended up working for the CIA in South America running death-squads and the like against indigenous movements and labour unions? Lived a long and happy life if I recall and was well paid for his grim work. All very School of the Americas iirc.

I think you're referring to one Klaus barbie AKA the 'Butcher of Lyons.' It was Barbie who personally interrogated Resistance leader Jean Moulin, although 'interrogated' would be sugarcoating things somewhat.

didn't he die of blood cancer in a cell? doesn't fit the'long and happy life' bit....maybe Camo has someone els in mind
didn't he die of blood cancer in a cell? doesn't fit the'long and happy life' bit....maybe Camo has someone els in mind

Actually I checked and was pleasantly surprised to find that he...


So a happy ending then.
Brief re-emergence of some of this stuff last year with the death of Erich Priebke who was / may have been / might not have been responsible for the notorious Ardeatine Caves massacre in Rome in the 40s.
More proof here that Bariloche was a bit node on the rat line ...

(nicely written story too. Very very sick humour but the very notion of local people taking about "oh yeah, he's that bloke that runs the Nazi deli" is grimly fascinating to me.
I detest cruelty and think it's sick, but then most of these guys are old or have died.

You're going to put a 95 year old in prison for life?
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