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psychedelics and yoga


New Member
Yes we must continue our struggles and continue to visualize a world

without regular patterns, but there's more we can do. Imagine a worldwide

network of anti capitalists, people in every town and every village, young

and old, fat and thin there really are such people but we don't always know

who each other are. We don't wear labels and we're not networking.
Now the idea is simple. Let's bring all our ideas together and meet up at

public spaces locally early on Sunday afternoons, we can start having a

ongoing forum with no structure, just a meeting and a sharing of ideas, a

chance to chill (even sleep) and nothing more, no speeches, no rules. It

doesn't matter if you even turn up, there's always next week. Cake too.

Take drugs if you must, no one cares.
When the idea catches on, and it will, it will be possible to walk into any

town at noon and find a group of people with vaguely similar aims spawled

and leaping all around, this will be extremely empowering for all the

individuals involved and the causes they support. It's called the

pointlesspicnic.pointless picnic needs you. Spread the word.
TeeJay said:
Why do you want a world without 'regular patterns'?
there is no world with regular patterns, so let's make do with what we've got?
This thread is pointless, please don't continue it
I held out similar hopes for the rave scene - for me, ecstatic dancing (assisted some of the time by psychedelics) was the nearest thing to "worship" or "meditation" I'd ever achieved..... unfortunately almost everyone else was downing booze, popping pills like nobody's business and/or "interfering with each other's clothing", add to that the power of commercialism and the whole thing went sour :(
miss giggles said:
I'm up for a pointless picnic, when's the first? :D
the picnic is everysunday afternoon in a place of your choice, it's called pointless because it does not focus on supra christian industrialism, it's surreal :rolleyes:
jonH said:
the picnic is everysunday afternoon in a place of your choice, it's called pointless because it does not focus on supra christian industrialism, it's surreal :rolleyes:

Oh right, well, I'm glad we've cleard that up then :D
oh for fuck sake! stop this absolute bollocks, right fucking now!

These fucknig pointless picnics aren't fucking pointless, butare they?? No, they're some jumped up fucking wannabe situationist/provo/art student fuck lords attempt to subvert instrumental reason.

what do you expect will happen? people will show up and come to a realisation that their life is constricted by an irrational economic imperative and abandon their slots in the meta narrative death machine?

Stop misreading the Frankfurt school and get a fucking life you sad hippy fuck!
revol68 said:
oh for fuck sake! stop this absolute bollocks, right fucking now!

These fucknig pointless picnics aren't fucking pointless, butare they?? No, they're some jumped up fucking wannabe situationist/provo/art student fuck lords attempt to subvert instrumental reason.

what do you expect will happen? people will show up and come to a realisation that their life is constricted by an irrational economic imperative and abandon their slots in the meta narrative death machine?

Stop misreading the Frankfurt school and get a fucking life you sad hippy fuck!
your'e off your head dad :p
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